Venus in Sagittarius transit
Astrological Transits

Venus in Sagittarius transit

What to expect from this happy-go-lucky Venus placement

Our beautiful Goddess of Love & Abundance, Venus, is leaving deep, dark waters of Scorpio to enter freedom loving, adventurous Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius transit will last from October 7 till November 5, 2021

Sagittarius is a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky placement for Venus. She is ready to party, go places & meet new faces

The way we approach life & love (whether committed or single) will certainly get more carefree and lighthearted.

Venus in Sagittarius transit

Current Cosmic Weather

Venus in Sagittarius transit brings us a much needed dose of lighter, easier to handle energy to lighten up the heaviness going on in the Sky right now. 

Just a reminder: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, are all in retrograde motion at the start of this transit. Pluto has just stationed direct on the day of the challenging New Moon in Libra on October 6. 

The energy of this New Moon is especially potent right now as Venus is the ruler of Libra (you can read Libra New Moon detailed Report here). 

Venus in Sagittarius: what to expect

Even though Venus in Sagittarius is inviting us to have more fun and lighten up, the party won’t be without its dose of drama – she will conjunct South Node of the Moon shortly after leaving the underworld of Scorpio. This meeting promises to be a challenging one. We always connect nodes of the Moon to karmic situations and relationships. 

South Node of the Moon (Ketu) is particularly associated with karmic lessons from the past. Given the fact that so many planets are still in retrograde, including our cosmic messenger Mercury, don’t be surprised if you hear from someone from the past. It doesn’t have to be an ex partner although Venus does rule over romantic relationships first & foremost, but it could be an ex colleague, long-lost friend or even an ex neighbour. 

It’s very likely that relationship that has run its course could end for good at this time. 

Trust the process, trust your intuition. Whatever feels right will most likely be the fated move written in the Stars that you’re meant to make. 

Venus in Sagittarius is also connected with everything new and foreign. Matters of travel and immigration will hopefully see some further positive improvements since more and more countries are opening up at this time. 

Venus in Sagittarius transit

Single and ready to mingle?

Now is the perfect time to go on dates and explore. Be adventurous, try new things. Don’t be stuck on your ‘usual type’. 

However, be warned that Sagittarius, being a mutable fire sign, has a bit of a reputation for being flaky. You might come across quite a few players at this time as well. Make sure to see people for who they really are without rose-coloured glasses. Use your discernment, but don’t be too serious either. 

There is also a slight danger of getting too frivolous with your words. You can accidentally say something inappropriate or even hurtful without meaning anything bad. This energy can be felt most prominently around October 26 when Venus squares the Lord of Illusions Neptune. This cosmic conversation can be really challenging when it comes to matters of love & money. 

Venus – Neptune’s hard aspects are often associated with disappointments, broken promises, and unfulfilled hopes. Try to avoid idealization and gullibility. 

Be mindful and extra cautious when it comes to any offers, schemes, as well as new people you might be meeting on dating sites around that time.

Try to channel this challenging energy through creative and spiritual pursuits.

The Cosmic Takeaway

It’s been a tough year so far and this Venus in Sagittarius transit is a perfect opportunity to lighten up and let your hair down. It’s time to explore and discover new things, new places and meet new people. 

Use this time wisely before Venus retrograde season kicks off in December this year. This time around she will retrograde in practical, uber disciplined Capricorn. 

There will be plenty of opportunities to get serious then, but for now give yourself permission to just have fun & explore. Enjoy this transit! make the most of it. 

Make sure to check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you didn’t get a chance to obtain one yet.

N.B.: Remember that it is ideal to have your EXACT time of birth to hand. Use 12p.m. noon in case there is no way to obtain this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide Birth time rectification. Birth time and Birth place are crucial pieces of information in creating your Natal Chart as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.