Saturn Retrograde is Over
Astrological Transits

Saturn Retrograde is over

Saturn Retrograde explained

The planet of restrictions, delays and karmic lessons, Saturn stations direct on October 11, finishing its annual retrograde cycle, which usually lasts for about four and a half months. 

It goes retrograde every year, giving us an opportunity to reflect on our life path and changes that we need to make in order to achieve tangible goals. Saturn is all about matter and practical application. He rules over structures of all kinds, be it the government or our skeletal system. 

When Saturn goes retrograde, it marks the time to step back and have a closer look at the overall structure of your life. Which areas require major improvements? 

Saturn demands thorough examination. Be sure that a quick, surface-level review just won’t cut it at this time if you want to achieve tangible, long-lasting results. 

Saturn’s retrograde helps shine the light on the steps we need to take to move forward in a meaningful, practical way. 

The key is not to rush anything during the retrograde period. Slow but steady wins the race. It is vital to take your time, revise, review, regroup and re-evaluate. It’s vital not to overlook any important details and double check everything to make sure you are producing quality work. Saturn will reward handsomely for being diligent and hardworking. 

One of Saturn’s superpowers that he can bless us with during its retrograde phase is the ability to build solid personal boundaries and say a firm ‘no’ to projects, people, situations that no longer serve our highest good. 

Saturn is all about maturity, responsibility, discipline and steady, well-measured progress

This time he retrograded in Aquarius. This placement highlights matters related to social groups & associations, networking, humanitarian endeavors, governments and other social structures. 

Saturn Retrograde is over
Saturn Retrograde

The Lord of Karma & Delays: 

Quick introduction to Saturn

Difficult Saturn transits have always been feared.

In Greek Mythology, Cronus (Saturn) was one of the Titans who ate his own children because he feared to be overthrown as the King of the Gods. Eventually, his wife, Rhea, tricked him into swallowing a stone when Zeus (Jupiter) was born.

In astrology, Saturn is associated with harsh karmic lessons, restrictions, delays, blockages, and all sorts of limitations

The great benefic, Jupiter, expands, and the great malefic, Saturn, constricts. 

Strong Saturn in a Birth Chart, especially in hard aspects to personal planets, very often signifies a string of karmic lessons and delays on the way to success and self-realisation. 

The blessings promised by well-placed personal planets are often delayed and, in some rare extreme cases, even denied when they are touched by Saturn in a harsh way.    

The colour of Saturn is black. He represents mountains, structures, bones, stones, teeth, skeleton, cold weather, ice; the government, the underprivileged layers of society and the old. Quite a grim picture… Don’t you think? But one has to agree – these are essential components of real life that can’t be avoided. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns as they say…

Saturn offers harsh reality checks and grounds us like no other planet.

We will age, we will grow old, we will face responsibilities and restrictions; nobody can stay young and free forever… Sadly…

Harsh Reality Check

Saturn is here to remind us we have to sober up at some point on our journey. The sooner the better. 

The first reality check from Saturn comes around the time of our first Saturn return (around 27-29 years of age). Saturn return signifies our real initiation into adulthood. For many of us, our late twenties can be hard years to master. Many experience periods of anxiety and uncertainty.

Saturn is demanding to get grounded and build a solid foundation for the years to come, which can be really challenging and difficult to handle at that age. 

Saturn is often associated with authority figures. From parents and other caregivers in our childhood to the government authorities in our adulthood. 

Saturn rules Capricorn and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius.

Therefore, he is particularly strong at this time and his influence is rather prominent. Saturn entered Aquarius on March 21, 2020 and will stay there till March 7, 2023. 

Cosmic Weather Report

Fresh from its retrograde motion, Saturn will form a promising sextile to our beautiful Goddess of Love & Abundance Venus in Sagittarius on Wednesday, October 13. It is an excellent opportunity to make some long-term plans and commitments with your love and/or business partner. Goals set around this day are very likely to materialize into something solid and long-lasting, which is a great piece of news after all the delays we’ve been through this year! 

Jupiter and Mercury are still in retrograde motion until October 18, so it is advisable not to make any major moves until then. 

Also, October 15 is a super powerful day – the Sun will be speaking in supreme harmony with Jupiter releasing some much needed positive energy. 

These aspects are promising a great start to a brand new chapter in our lives build on solid foundation and blessed with out-of-the-blue opportunities and lucky break throughs after a period of stagnation and never ending issues. 

The Cosmic Takeaway  

Discipline measures, rules, timelines, taxes and other restrictions imposed on us by external forces can be really unpleasant and difficult to handle. However, more often than not, these lessons and restrictions help us get organized, develop necessary routines and structures to achieve tangible results we can be proud of. Saturn always teaches us the lessons we need to learn the most. 

He helps us to learn, grow and evolve. At the of the day, Saturn wants what’s best for us. He wants us to build powerful legacy we can leave behind. 

Saturn Retrograde was the perfect opportunity to double up the effort and master areas of our lives that required the most attention. 

It was undoubtedly a tough road full of obstacles, but it is our hope that you managed to use Saturn Retrograde period productively. All delays and restrictions are being removed and hopefully you will reap long-awaited rewards for all the hard work you’ve done in the past four months while Saturn was retrograde. 

Even if you are still facing some major obstacles and setbacks, be sure that things will start getting much easier going forward. 

Mastering Saturn Lessons

It is vital to respect and be mindful of the lessons Saturn is teaching us at all times, whether it’s direct or retrograde. 

Study your birth chart carefully to understand what Saturn really wants you to master on your journey during this lifetime. 

If the lessons mastered, he can bless us with the most solid, long-lasting results that even greater benefic Jupiter can’t always grant us with. 

The Lord of Karma should not be feared but respected, as he is the Lord of Legacy, too. 

Make sure to check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life in the months to come. Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you didn’t get a chance to obtain one yet.

N.B.: Remember that it is ideal to have your EXACT time of birth to hand. Use 12p.m. noon in case there is no way to obtain this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide Birth time rectification. Birth time and Birth place are crucial pieces of information in creating your Natal Chart as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.