Full Moon in Aries
New Moons & Full Moons

Full Moon in Aries, October 2021

Sacred meaning of the Moon

In astrology, the Moon represents the most hidden, intimate corners of our souls: our emotions, instincts, memories, vulnerabilities, fears and our deep-seated desire to be safe and nurtured. The Moon is the Mother figure of the Zodiac. This magical celestial body is the closest to the Earth and is visible nearly every night in the Sky. Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions.

The Moon moves the quickest through the Zodiac, spending about two and a half days in each sign, passing through all twelve in about 28 days. 

Full Moons are culmination points in the lunar cycle, providing a perfect opportunity to release and let go of anything that’s no longer serving our highest good. 

This year’s Full Moon in Aries is a truly powerful, intense Full Moon. It is hands down, one of the most challenging Full Moons of 2021. Let’s dive in to see why this might be the case. 

Full Moon in Aries, October 2021

Full Moon in Aries, the Hunter’s Moon of 2021

October’s Full Moon is happening on Wednesday, October 20, at 10:57 a.m. ET.

This Full Moon has a special name – it’s called the Hunter’s Moon. It got its name because it occurred at the time of the year when hunters were hunting for game to prepare for a long, cold winter ahead. 

This Full Moon is happening in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries.

Aries is bold, ambitious, and assertive. Aries is the fire starter of the Zodiac, ruled by the red, hot, fiery planet Mars, named after the Roman god of war. 

Main Influences

For starters, the Moon is forming a challenging opposition with its ruler, Mars. Mars is very close to the Sun and is at its detriment in Libra. He doesn’t feel comfortable in Libra because he has to take into consideration the needs of other people before taking action. He has to become a team player, and it truly frustrates him.

Powerful Pluto is heavily involved by forming a tense square with Mars. Pluto in Capricorn is way stronger than Mars in Libra at the time of this Full Moon.

Mars – Pluto dynamics

It is worth noting that energies of Pluto and Mars are astrologically interconnected. Pluto is considered to be the higher octave of Mars. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio. Before Pluto was discovered, Mars was considered the ruler of both Aries and Scorpio (it still co-rules Scorpio in traditional astrology). Every time these two power players are having a conversation, be it in a natal chart, transit or synastry, it always promises to be very, very intense. It applies to both soft and hard aspects between these two planets.

Mars is a red, hot, fiery planet. He is a hot-headed soldier who wants to act fast on his impulses and fiercely forge ahead. Whereas Pluto is the top chess player, who is not only overpowering and willful in nature but also very strategic, manipulative and knows way too well how to play sophisticated mind games and pull the right stings. Pluto rules over massive wealth, immense power and resources. He is the Lord of the Underworld and all the riches of the bowels of the Earth belong to him. In fact, Pluto can grant even vaster material wealth than the greater benefic Jupiter, when powerfully placed in one’s Birth Chart. Jupiter – Pluto conjunction is known as the ‘millionaire’s aspect‘ and is a definite promise of gaining great material wealth and tremendous influence.

Cosmic Weather Report – Full Moon in Aries

It’s clear as day that the battle between Mars and Pluto, unfolding in the Sky at the time of this challenging Full Moon, is not equal by any means. To make matters worse, Pluto is also forming a tense square to the ‘dwarf planet‘ Eris, which is very close to the Moon at 24° of Aries, as well as Mars. Mars, in its turn, is making an opposition to Eris and the Moon. This configuration is known as T-Square in astrology and is considered to be one of the toughest aspects to handle. This T-Square is screaming tension, conflicts and power struggles.

It is worth noting that the greater benefic Jupiter will be trining Mars around the time of the Full Moon. It will certainly help smooth things over and give us a glimpse of hope that great results can be achieved in the end.

The Pressure is on…

The pressure is well and truly on. This Full Moon can certainly lead to some explosive burst outs and breakdowns in our relationships. It applies to both business and romantic connections. Aries represents the self and Libra represents the other. This cardinal relationship axis always draws attention to finding the right balance between the need for conformity and individuality. Both are vital components of a healthy, conscious living.

It is a very ambitious time full of drive and inspiration. Many people will feel fired up to move forward and take long-awaited action. The first two weeks of October were super slow due to the fact that 6 planets were in retrograde motion. There was a lot of frustration and stuck energy caused by the inability to move forward at the desired pace. Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury have all completed their retrograde cycle and are moving forward at the time of this Full Moon, activating the energy of forward momentum.

We all, as a collective, had to take a backseat. We had to wait, contemplate and reflect for so long, that many of us will be jumping and diving into tasks, projects and relationships.

Be mindful and aware of others’ behaviours. Power-hungry, overly competitive and cut throat individuals will be particularly triggered at this time. You might be on the receiving end of this or you might be acting in this way.

The Cosmic Takeaway

It is important to think things through, and avoid acting impulsively in an over-reactionary fashion. Jumping into something out of anger and frustration might not be the best idea at this time. Think twice before taking action. Do you actually need to push forward with this? Do you actually need to achieve that goal at all costs?

Try to avoid any impulsive, hot-headed actions and conversations. Do not tip over into anger and frustration. Stay calm, cool and collected when triggered. Forewarned is forearmed!

Channel this challenging energy through positive qualities of Aries: courage, bravery, standing in your power. Do whatever you can to maintain your peace. This too shall pass…

Releasing and letting go of energetic attachments 

Let’s face it – it can be extremely hard to let go of past hurts or even ongoing toxic attachments that are holding you back and sucking you dry energetically. Holding on to the past can be really painful, but it’s familiar, whereas letting go and moving on opens you up to the unknown. And it can be scary. Really scary. 

The Moon cycles are effecting us deeply whether or not we are aware of it. Full Moons in particular have a profound effect on our physical and emotional bodies.

This Hunter’s Moon is the ideal time for the cord cutting Full Moon ritual. Relationship axis (Aries – Libra) is now powerfully activated, giving us the perfect opportunity to cut energetic cords with people who no longer belong in our circle. 

Cord Cutting Aries Full Moon Ritual

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare the sacred space for the ritual. Ideally, it should be a quiet place where you can be alone and uninterrupted. It’s vital to stay still, pray and meditate for some time prior to the ceremony.

2. Light some candles and incense. Fire represents the healing, purifying force. Let it empower you in your intention to take your power back and no longer be bound to the toxic connection you are seeking to cut out of your life for good.  

Cord Cutting Full Moon Ritual

3. Prepare a string or a cord, preferably a black one, at least 10 inches long, if possible. 

4. You will also need to print out a photo of a person you want to cut ties with. If this is difficult to do, simply write his or her name on a piece of paper.

5. Tie one end of the cord around the photo or piece of paper with the name (you can roll them up to make it easier)

6. Hold the other side of the cord in your left hand, close your eyes and visualize the energetic connection you have with this person. Take your time. Don’t rush. Feel all the feelings that come up, no matter how painful it might be. Allow yourself to be angry, frustrated, or even vulnerable. Cry if you need to, don’t hold back your tears. It will help release the pain and emotional buildup associated with this connection.

7. Once you feel his or her energetic presence, cut the cord in the middle with a pair of scissors. Do it slowly, feel every move, be intentional. Visualize that the invisible connection you two have is being cut once and for all. You are letting go for good. You are free now… Feel this heavy weight is finally off your shoulders.

8. Once the cord is cut, throw it away with the intention of letting go. It would be ideal, of course, if you can burn both ends and dispose of the ashes outside, ideally under a tree or in a body of water.

9. Congratulations! You are now free from this toxic connection and no longer will be giving your power away to this person. The ritual is complete.

Make sure to check where this Full Moon falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this Full Moon will play a significant role in your personal and professional life in the next 2 weeks or even longer. Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you didn’t get a chance to obtain one yet.

N.B.: Remember that it is ideal to have your EXACT time of birth to hand. Use 12p.m. noon in case there is no way to obtain this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide Birth time rectification. Birth time and Birth place are crucial pieces of information in creating your Natal Chart as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.