Astrology of April 2022
Astrological Transits

Astrology of April 2022: It’s Action Time

 It’s hard to believe, but we are officially a quarter of the way through 2022.

We’ve just celebrated the Astrological New Year (Related article: Spring Equinox 2022) and spring is in full swing.

Life feels good!

April is an action packed month with no planets in retrograde (yet. Pluto is going retro on April 29), so we can all feel the momentum growing.

Astrology of April 2022 is going to help speed things up in a big way.

We’re kicking off the month with a powerful New Moon in Aries (Related article: New Moon in Aries).

April is well and truly one of the best months of 2022 for new beginnings of all kinds.

The fiery Aries energy boosts our motivation levels to an all time high.

Most of us, especially those with heavy fire placements, will feel an uncontrollable urge to move forward and initiate.

Aries is the fire starter of the Zodiac.

Its cardinal energy will certainly help shake things up after the dreamy haze of the Pisces season.

Astrology of April 2022: Overview

However, Piscean energy will still be heavily present throughout the month, culminating on April 12 with the powerful Jupiter – Neptune conjunction (Related article: Jupiter in Pisces Transit).

The Full Moon in Libra on April 16 will only intensify the culmination of the spiritual and emotional release activated by this once-in-a-life-time Jupiter – Neptune alignment in Pisces.

On April 19 Taurus season kicks off, brining in some no-nonsense, grounding vibes to settle things in ahead of the first Solar Eclipse of the year, happening on April 30.

In addition to these powerful cosmic events, all of the personal planets (Mercury, Mars & Venus) will be shifting signs this month.

Major, destined changes are in the air.

The Powerful Push of the Aries Season

Aries is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the red, hot planet Mars. It is the go-getter of the Zodiac.

The Sun is exalted in Aries, making Aries season one of the best times of the year to initiate and launch brand new things.

This powerful fiery energy can make us feel very assertive, enthusiastic, and full of energy.

It can bless us with a special gift for making others do what we want.

Astrology of April 2022
Image: annatodica, Getty Images

Aries season is especially favourable for entrepreneurs, inventors, managers, politicians, and those in the military.  

However, we need to stay mindful of potential anger outbursts.

Patience will not be one of our strongest points this Aries season.

There might be a tendency to easily initiate new things but struggle to finish them.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury entered Aries on March 27 and will stay in this fire sign till April 10, adding to the momentum of April’s powerhouse vibes.

This ingression brings in a major motivation boost, activating the desire to speak our mind without holding anything back.

Again, just be mindful of Aries shadow qualities to ensure not to be overly impulsive, stubborn and opinionated when communicating with others.

Mercury enters its home sign of Gemini on April 29.

Astrology of April 2022: New Moon in Aries

Astrology of April 2022
Image: WCJ Wachirawit, Getty Images

The first lunation of this astrological year is happening on March 31 PE/ April 1 ET at 11 degrees of the cardinal fire sign of Aries ( Moon Report: New Moon in Aries: Healing the Warrior’s Heart).

New Moon in Aries is traditionally associated with powerful new beginnings.

It instigates a burning desire for independence, to forge ahead on our own and be our own boss.

However, its vibe is different this year.

This New Moon conjuncts both Mercury and asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer.

We are being asked to acknowledge the importance of a deep healing of the self before embarking on setting new goals and initiating new projects.

Mars, the ruler of this New Moon, is very close to Saturn, the planet of responsibilities, karma and delays. It indicates the need to think through our plan of action before we rush into anything brand new.

Rare Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction

Jupiter – Neptune conjunction in Pisces is one of the most prominent planetary alignments of 2022. Exact conjunction is happening on April 12.

It is a major activation of the Piscean energy on the collective level.

It will be very watery for sure. This conjunction is bringing us some much needed emotional release and catharsis after the collective trauma we’ve endured over the past couple of years.

One thing is for sure, there will be a lot of tears.

Allow yourself to grieve and properly heal any past wounds that might flare up at this time.

This energy is initiating major spiritual healing.

Unlike Pluto, who comes and unceremoniously destroys the old to clear up the space for the new, Jupiter – Neptune combo is all about compassion, forgiveness and universal love.

Jupiter in Pisces
Image: Science Photo Library

The downside of this alignment is a possible expansion of delusional, unrealistic hopes.

We might develop a tendency to see the world through rose-colored glasses both on individual and collective level.

The deep-seated need to search for greater truth and meaning will come to the surface.

Fake news, major deception in the media, distortion of reality might take the centre stage at this time.

Its physical manifestation can cause major floodings or other natural disasters connected with water. 

Mars & Venus Moves

The Goddess of love and abundance Venus enters Pisces on April 5, expanding the sensitive, compassionate Piscean energy even further.

It is a major relief for Venus after months and months of being in Saturnian signs of Capricorn and Aquarius.

Venus had to be co-present with all three malefics: Mars, Saturn and Pluto.

It’s been a rough start to the year for our cosmic queen.

Venus is exalted in Pisces so this ingression is a true blessing after a tough few months.

The God of war, Mars conjuncts the Lord of Karma Saturn at 22 degrees of Aquarius, squaring the Nodes of Destiny in Taurus and Scorpio on April 5.

This is a powerful planetary alignment bringing in irrevocable destined changes.

The tensions continue to rise.

This energy is heavy. It screams conflict, desire to conquer and dominate.

The old systems and structures are crumbling.

One thing for sure – there is no turning back to the world as we’ve known it.

Thankfully, Mars is ingressing into dreamy, peace-loving Pisces on April 14.

Hopefully this ingression will help smooth things over when it comes to disagreements and conflicts.

Astrology of April 2022
Image: spfoto, Getty Images

This planetary stellium in the mutable water sign of Pisces (Mars, Venus, Jupiter & Neptune) is set to increase our intuition, creativity and sensitivity to the whole new level.

There might be a major surge in projects in music and film industry.

This stellium is fantastic for starting and launching new creative projects. 

Super auspicious time for all the creatives out there!

Astrology of April 2022: Full Moon in Libra

Astrology of April 2022
Image: Alexander Ozerov

The Full Moon in Libra happening on April 16 will be the culmination point of the emotional and spiritual release triggered by the Neptune – Jupiter conjunction earlier in the month. (Moon Report: Full Moon in Libra: Radical Healing)

This Full Moon, ruled by Venus, is squaring the planet of death and rebirth Pluto.

This energy may trigger our buried fears, our deepest, darkest desires.

Make sure you don’t give in to your shadow side at this time.

Sit with your feelings, take time to process these uneasy feelings and emotions.

Give yourself enough time to heal.

Remember, healing doesn’t have a timeline.  Be patient with yourself.

Taurus Season  

The Sun enters Taurus on April 19.

I am usually looking forward to relaxing and enjoying finer things in life during down-to-earth Taurus season after a fast-paced Aries action time.

However, this year it will be different as it kicks off the first Eclipse season of 2022.

Mercury enters Taurus on April 10, making us more grounded and pragmatic when it comes to our communication with others.

Mercury is gradually slowing down, getting ready to station retrograde in early Gemini around May 10.

Retrograde Season Begins

Retrograde season of 2022 kicks off with mighty Pluto going retro on April 29 till October 8.

Pluto retrogrades happen every year and last for about 5 months.

Pluto’s retro season offers us an opportunity to dive deeper into our consciousness and self reflect.

It can escalate negative emotions like jealousy, envy, obsession, and cause some major trust issues within a relationship.

New Moon in Aquarius Horoscope for Leo
Image: Edward Samuel Cornwall, Getty Images

You might want to step aside for a bit and examine the situation from afar.

Try not to rush anything when it comes to ending a certain situation in your life.

Re-examine, re-evaluate, re-structure.

It can be a great time to visit a trusted therapist to discuss and heal any psychological issues.

Pluto is all about transformation, death, and rebirth.

Its retro season can be really beneficial for healing any personal traumas that might be stopping you from living your life to the fullest.

Astrology of April 2022: First Eclipse Is Here

Astrology of April 2022
Image: spooh, Getty Images

The first Eclipse of 2022 is happening in the fixed earth sign of Taurus on April 30 (Related article: Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio 2022 -2023: the Great Cosmic Reset).

Eclipses are powerful celestial events that very often bring about unavoidable karmic circumstances and relationships.

Despite the fated nature, Eclipses should not be feared but welcomed as a source of evolutionary change that leads to a powerful yet often uncomfortable, and even painful transformation.

Auspicious Venus – Jupiter conjunction in Pisces is happening around the time of this Eclipse, not far from Neptune. This is a dreamy, idealistic and super creative energy.

Venus is also the ruler of this Eclipse in Taurus.

To see it getting so much healing support from the greater benefic Jupiter and the planet of unconditional love and compassion Neptune is just lovely.

This can trigger a major healing of psychological and physical issues on both individual and collective levels.

For a lot of us it will be when the hard work we’ve been doing for months now will eventually start paying off.

That’s where rewards land.

However, taken into account unpredictable, fated nature of Eclipses, this Eclipse has the ability to disrupt what could have been otherwise an absolute blessing.

Some astrologer believe that Eclipse season is not the best time for manifestations.

One thing for sure – this Eclipse has the power to set out a sequence of destined events that will ultimately lead us to some powerful, transformational changes.

Check where these transits fall in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.