New Moon in Libra
New Moons & Full Moons

New Moon in Libra, October 2021

Watch Relationship Drama unfold

This New Moon in Libra happening on October 6, 2021 is hands down, one of the most challenging New Moons of 2021. Let’s find out why.

Cosmic Weather Report

Just a reminder: Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all retrograde motion with Pluto stationing to go direct shortly after this New Moon. 

It is happening in proximity to Mars, which activates our desire to forge ahead in full force. Not the best idea while this major retrograde cycle is still wrapping up… 

Mars is rather frustrated in Libra, which makes us extra impatient. 

Mercury is also very close to this New Moon, which only adds to the frustration as not only it is retrograde but it also just recently had a tough square with overpowering Pluto. 

In short – chaos, conflict and frustration are written all over this challenging New Moon.

Fortunately, there is a positive aspect from Jupiter which can certainly help smooth things over as well as Libra vibes heavily present in the Sky right now. 

Relationship Drama

Libra is the sign ruling over partnerships of all kinds therefore, well-balanced diplomacy is the key to resolving any conflicts and drama at this time. 

Tensions fly extra high since Pluto is going direct on the day of this New Moon. It will be nearly impossible to avoid certain issues and difficult conversations. 

Pluto demands deep, meaningful transformation. Pluto’s overpowering influence can trigger some deepest, darkest feelings in us, such as jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation, and obsession. 

It pulls out all uncomfortable truths we might have been avoiding to face and discuss for a while. Be sure that superficial, small talk just won’t cut it at this time. 

New Moon Ritual

New Moons are perfect for setting goals and planting seeds of new intentions. Having said that, this New Moon is a rare exception to the rule. 

The energy is so thick & heavy and all these planets are still in retrograde motion; it is not advisable to do any manifestation rituals at this time. 

The best ritual right now is to cleanse your home, mind, body, and soul. 

Take a salt bath. Burn sage – it is an amazing ritual that can help to cleanse your environment of negative and stale energy. It helps to gain wisdom and clarity, and can assist with the overall healing process.

New Moon in Libra October 2021
New Moon in Libra ritual

The Cosmic Takeaway

Channel this challenging energy through journaling and analysing unhealthy patterns you might have when it comes to relating to others. Visit a trusted therapist, declutter your home, talk to your best friend. Do whatever it takes to release and forgive not only others but most importantly yourself for whatever did or did not happen in the past…

This New Moon is just perfect for that.

New Moon in Libra October 2021
New Moon in Libra

Make sure to check where this New Moon falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this New Moon will play a significant role in your personal and professional life in the next 2 weeks or even longer. Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you didn’t get a chance to obtain one yet.

N.B.: Remember that it is ideal to have your EXACT time of birth to hand. Use 12p.m. noon in case there is no way to obtain this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide Birth time rectification. Birth time and Birth place are crucial pieces of information in creating your Natal Chart as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.