Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Astrological Transits

Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Final Mercury Retrograde of 2021

Mercury stationed retrograde in Libra on September 27, forming a tense square with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
Mars, also transiting Libra till October 30, will conjunct Mercury on his journey through this peaceful, harmony-seeking sign.

All of these signify possible confrontations and tensions in our relationships of all kinds, especially with contacts from the past.
Be sure that all unhealthy patterns of communicating with others will come to the surface at this time. It will no longer be possible to sweep certain issues under the carpet.

Pluto demands deep, meaningful transformation. Mercury in Libra, on the other hand, may want to run around the problem instead of solving it. The best way to handle any arising tension is through exhibiting assertive flexibility and well-balanced diplomacy without becoming overly accommodating and conflict-averse.
Thankfully Jupiter retrograde in Aquarius comes to the rescue forming harmonious trine with troubled Mercury as it squares overpowering Pluto. This positive influence will undoubtedly help smooth things over.

Mercury Retrograde in Libra
Mercury Retrograde in Libra

Survival Guide

Mercury retrograde is commonly associated with communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items.
It is not recommended to start anything brand new at this time.
However, it can be an excellent time to re-do, re-write, re-visit (and yes, this applies to travel too!) and re-evaluate.

Spend most of your efforts on completing previous tasks and tying up loose ends. Don’t forget there are currently so many planets in retrograde: Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and now Mercury + Uranus & Neptune, of course. The next few weeks may well be the ‘slowest period’ of this year.
If it doesn’t work, don’t try to force it!

The final push will certainly pay off when most of the planets start stationing direct, culminating on October 18, when both Jupiter and Mercury go direct on the same day.
It will be an excellent time to forge ahead in full force, but for now, it’s important to balance things out and re-evaluate.
Use this time wisely and get ready for some serious action once this major retrograde cycle is over.

Make sure to check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life in the next few weeks or even longer. Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you didn’t get a chance to obtain one yet.

N.B.: Remember that it is ideal to have your EXACT time of birth to hand. Use 12p.m. noon in case there is no way to obtain this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide Birth time rectification. Birth time and Birth place are crucial pieces of information in creating your Natal Chart as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.