Full Moon in Capricorn
New Moons & Full Moons

Full Moon in Capricorn: Checking in with Reality

This Full Moon is happening on July 13 at 21 degrees of the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn.

Capricorn is the natural ruler of the 10th house – the highest point in our chart.

It is the CEO of the Zodiac. Ruled by the planet of karma, delays and restrictions, Saturn, Capricorn is the ultimate workaholic.

It channels Saturnian energies, and is all about resilience, dedication and hard work.

To cut a long story short, the sensitive, nurturing Moon is feeling rather constrained in this cardinal earth sign.

The Moon is ruled by the cardinal water sign of Cancer, which is right opposite Capricorn in the Zodiac wheel.

However, there are few positives we can gain from Full Moons in Capricorn as a collective.

This energy reminds us to stay committed and well organised.

The summer is in full swing, and we can get too carried away, celebrating life.

Astrology chart, Astrology post, Planets
Image: Antonino Visalli, Unsplash

I actually love the grounding energy of Capricorn Full Moons, which usually happen right in the middle of summer.

It helps to get back on track and stay focused.

full moon in capricorn
Full Moon in Capricorn

Saturn – the ruler of the Full Moon in Capricorn

When a Full Moon or a New Moon is happening in a particular sign, the ruler of that sign is considered to be the ruler of the given lunation.

In this case, it is Saturn.

In Astrology, Saturn is the planet of restrictions, delays and karmic lessons.

Saturn is all about maturity, responsibility, discipline and steady, well-measured progress

Known as the Lord of Karma & delays, Saturn demands thorough examination.

Be sure that a quick, surface-level effort just won’t cut it if you want to achieve tangible, long-lasting results in the area of your chart touched by this malefic planet. 

Saturn in astrology, planet Saturn, Lord of Karma
Image: teekid, Getty Images

Saturn is all about physical matter and practical application.

It rules over structures of all kinds, be it the government or our skeletal system. 

Saturn is in retrograde at the time of this Full Moon, which means it can bring about people or unresolved situations from the past.

It gives us an opportunity to reflect on our life path and changes we need to make in order to achieve tangible results.

Now is the perfect time to step back and have a closer look at the overall structure of your life.

Which areas require major improvements? 

This Full Moon with its ruler, Saturn, in retrograde, helps shine the light on the steps we need to take to move forward in a meaningful, practical way. 

The key is not to rush anything during the retrograde period.

It’s vital not to overlook any important details and double check everything to make sure you are producing quality work. 

The Cosmic Weather Report

Neptune is taking the centre stage yet again (it was the main influence at the time of the last Full Moon in Sagittarius back in June).

However, this time around the Lord of illusions is a much more positive influence as it’s trining the Sun and sextiling the Moon.

This dreamy, foggy energy is just perfect for any creative endeavours.

However, there might be trouble in paradise as Neptune squares off with the planet of love and abundance, Venus.

This aspect is known for bringing disappointments in love.

 Luckily, the ruler of this Full Moon, Saturn, is forming a helpful trine to Venus.

Saturn’s support is going to help lift the veil of confusion when it comes to our relationships and financial matters.

Astrology, Zodiac signs, Horoscopes, Birth Chart
Image: Tania Medina, Unsplash

This process can be rather painful.

We are being asked to take off the rose-coloured glasses and see our relationships for what it is, not for what we want it to be.

This can also apply to our finances.

One thing is for sure, this reality check is much needed at this time to keep us firmly on track.

Uranus and the North Node of Destiny

Another highlight of this lunation is Uranus.

It is sextiling the Sun and trining the Moon.

Uranus is also very close to the North Node of Destiny in Taurus, which gives this alignment a strong karmic flavour.

This combo is supporting our intentions to move forward with the changes we are being asked to make in order to pursue our destiny.

Uranus is the planet of sudden, unexpected changes.

Together with the North Node it is a powerful cosmic double whammy.

change is in the air, making changes and achieving success
Image: dolphfyn, Getty Images

New exciting opportunities to drastically change your life for the better may appear seemingly out of nowehere.

It can also cause sudden endings and completions.

The changes, activated at the time of this Full Moon, may feel too sudden and unexpected. It can cause a lot of anxiety.

Stay focused, cool, calm and collected.

These new developments are unavoidable and most definitely leading to your ultimate destiny, no matter how sudden and even shocking they may seem at the beginning.

This energy is very similar to a Full Moon Eclipse.

There is certainly a karmic, destined feel to this powerful lunation.

The Cosmic Takeaway

This Full Moon in Capricorn is certainly going to shake things up for the most of us.

It will have the most impact on the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Explore the cosmic forecast for your Zodiac sign to ensure you are in tune with the Universe.

Be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture.

When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life.

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story.

Very often, your Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope. 

The Nodes of the Moon (also known as the Nodes of Destiny) ingressed into Taurus and Scorpio on January 18, 2022.

As a result, we saw a massive shift in the distribution of material resources across the globe.

The following article will help you understand the primary energies activated by this powerful cosmic shift.

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.