New Moon in Gemini
New Moons & Full Moons

New Moon in Gemini: New Chapter of the Old Story

This New Moon is happening at 9 degrees of the mutable air sign of Gemini on May 30.

Gemini is all about communication, curiosity and never-ending drive to discover new things. It rules the mind, how we gather and process information.

It’s a great tradition to set new intentions and make plans for the month ahead on a given New Moon. However, this lunation is a different story.

Its ruler Mercury is in retrograde till June 3 which suggests that it’s best not to focus on starting brand new projects right now but rather discover a fresh, new approach to the ones you couldn’t finish in the past for whatever reason.

Is there any task or a project that you never had the time to accomplish but wish you could still do it anyway? If so, now this New Moon is the perfect opportunity to give it a second chance.

The Cosmic Weather Report

Mars, the God of War, is conjunct with Jupiter at 3 degrees of Aries at the time of this New Moon. This powerful conjunction is forming a helpful sextile to this lunation (I personally use 10 degrees orb for the planetary aspects).  

This New Moon is exactly conjunct with the fixed star Aldebaran at 9 degrees of Gemini in the right eye of the bull in the constellation of Taurus.

Aldebaran is often associated with Mars-like qualities.  It is the watcher of the East and is associated with the military god Mithras in Persian mythology.

The ruler of this New Moon, Mercury is right on the notorious fixed star Algol.

This long feared fixed star is believed to be activated at times of great calamities and disasters.

Algol was conjunct with the North Node of Destiny at the start of certain events in Eastern Europe at the end of February this year.

All of these celestial alignments are activating the warlike energy. To put it simply, the atmosphere is heavy.

Struggling, boxing gloves, ready for a fight
Image: ra2studio, Getty Images

Luckily Mercury is trining Pluto, which is in retrograde in Capricorn, and sextiling Neptune in Pisces. This energy is excellent for healing any past traumas connected with the ability to communicate and express our feelings authentically.

Mercury is also squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius which indicates the need to strengthen personal boundaries when dealing with others.

Make sure to avoid any conflict with authority figures at this time. It can do a lot of damage.

The unwanted consequences may be long lasting.

Usually New Moons in Gemini are super lighthearted and playful. However, this time around is a different story.

It doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom.

It’s just a reminder that we are going through the unavoidable process of the Great Reset as a collective. And Astrology is here to help us adjust to these irrevocable changes in the most conscious, mindful way possible.

Before we dive in, be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture. When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life.

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story.

Very often, your Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope. 

Related article: The Big 3 in your Birth Chart (Ascendant/Sun/Moon)

The Moon sign represents your emotional and psychological imprint and is worth checking out as well, especially if your primary focus at present is on matters of the heart. 

Related article: Understanding Your Moon Placement

New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini – What’s in store for Aries

This New Moon is happening in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbours and communication. Now is a great time to catch up with your siblings and neighbours you haven’t seen in a while.

You might feel an urge to re-connect with long lost relatives or ex classmates. Trust your intuition on that.

You may also feel a strong urge to go back to school or re-start a training you’ve given up in the past.

Astrology, Astrological Houses, House of Communication
Image: Karita88, Pixabay

What’s in store for Taurus

This New Moon in Gemini is activating your 2nd house of income, personal possessions and values. There might be a significant shift in your income.

You may have to re-evaluate the way your are currently making the living. Perhaps it’s time to re-visit the old ways you used to make money and give it a go again. Perhaps it can be turned into additional streams of income.

Your Personal New Moon of the Year is here, dear Gemini!

This is your personal New Moon of the year! It’s happening in your 1st house of the self, Gemini.

It’s a big deal! You may feel like now is the time to let go of the ‘old you’ and start working on your brand new image. A full makeover, perhaps?

Use this opportunity to plan a major overhaul of your entire lifestyle and self-image. New Moon- New You!

Happiness, sunrise, glad to be alive, a happy woman with open arms
Image: StockSnap, Pixabay

New Moon in Gemini – What’s in store for Cancer

This New Moon is happening in the most hidden part of your horoscope. 12th house rules over subconscious, intuition, psychic realms and isolation, among other things.

This lunation is helping you release what’s no longer serving your highest good. Now is a great time to continue working on your past issues.

Reflection and meditation can be especially beneficial at this time.

What’s in store for Leo

This New Moon is activating your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media and friendships.

Excellent time to re-evaluate and perhaps let go of some social connections both online and offline that no longer resonate with your vision for the future.

You may feel an urge to re-connect with long-lost friends or ex work colleagues.

Trust your intuition on that. Perhaps these old connections can lead to some unexpected new beginnings.

What’s in store for Virgo

This New Moon is happening in the 10 house of your horoscope, activating matters of social status, public image and achievements.

This is the highest point in your chart, you may feel like you are being pushed into the limelight at work. Be sure not to overwork yourself to avoid any burnouts.

Excellent time to re-evaluate your public image. Perhaps you will decide to let go of your current career path and start contemplating on new career avenues.

achieving success, climbing corporate ladder, building career, the sky is the limit
Image: Darren Baker

New Moon in Gemini – What’s in store for Libra

This lunation is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious and political views. Perhaps you will start thinking about travelling again.

This New Moon in curious Gemini can activate a strong desire to explore foreign lands, customs and traditions. Great time to start planning your next big adventure.

What’s in store for Scorpio

This New Moon is happening in one of the most challenging houses of your chart. You may feel a strong desire for a radical transformation of some sort.

Be extra mindful when it comes to financial matters, especially anything to do with loans, taxes and shared resources.

Great time to visit a trusted therapist to work on any psychological issues from the past that might get activated at this time.

What’s in store for Sagittarius

This New Moon is activating your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, public and legal matters. You may feel the need to re-evaluate your relationship status at this time.

Now is a great opportunity to resolve any issues and conflicts that are still lingering from the past. Use this time wisely!

Astrology, Astrology predictions, Zodiac Signs Horoscopes
Image: pondsaksitphotos

New Moon in Gemini – What’s in store for Capricorn

This lunation is activating your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines and health related matters. Excellent time to overhaul your diet and exercise regime.

Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

What’s in store for Aquarius

This New Moon in Gemini is happening in one of the most exciting sectors of your chart. Great time to get your creative juices flowing!

 You may feel drawn to a hobby or interest you’ve given up in the past.

Trust your intuition and go for it! Now is a great opportunity to start spending more time with your kids again if you have any.

What’s in store for Pisces

Pisces, you may feel drawn to staying at home and spending more time with your family at this time.

Trust your intuition on that.

It is a very favourable time to resolve any family conflicts or arguments still lingering from the past. It’s an excellent time for new beginnings with your nearest and dearest.

Wipe the slate clean and start afresh. Your family will surely appreciate your efforts.

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.