Full Moon in Leo
New Moons & Full Moons

Full Moon in Leo: the Hopeful Heart

This month’s Full Moon in courageous, flamboyant Leo occurs on February 16 at 11.56 a.m. EST just after Valentine’s Day.

Full Moons are always about relationships. The Sun and the Moon are opposing each other. The energies are pulling into two different directions: my family vs my career, myself vs the other, my needs vs others’ needs. Restoring the balance between opposing forces is called for.

This Leo Full Moon is occurring at the time of a much anticipated Mars-Venus conjunction in Capricorn, which emphasizes the relationship focus even more.

Why Is It Called the Snow Moon?

According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, the explanation behind February’s full Moon name is a fairly straightforward one: it’s known as the Snow Moon due to the typically heavy snowfall that occurs in February.

Names for this month’s Moon have historically had a connection to animals. The Cree traditionally called this the Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon. The Ojibwe Bear Moon and Tlingit Black Bear Moon refer to the time when bear cubs are born. 

Another theme of this month’s Moon names is scarcity. The Cherokee names of Month of the Bony Moon and Hungry Moon give evidence to the fact that food was hard to come by at this time.

Full Moon in Leo
Image: Darksouls1, Pixabay

The Cosmic Weather Report

This Full Moon is happening at 27 degrees of the fixed fire sign of Leo.

The energy of Leo is all about courage, passion, authenticity and open heart.

This lunation is not making any major aspects to other planets. However, it does form a tense square to the Nodes of the Moon in Taurus and Scorpio. (Relevant article:  Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio 2022 – 2023: The Great Cosmic Reset)

This powerful activation is bringing in fated circumstances and relationships into play. It empowers us to unapologetically express our heart’s deepest desires. 

Some might experience a burning desire to start, finish or redefine a particular relationship. Be brave and make sure you are taking action as your most authentic self. Leo is all about courage and following your true passion in life. Authenticity is the key to resolve any problem and overcome any obstacle at this time. Go for it! 

Mars – Venus Dance

This dynamic Full Moon in Leo occurs at the time of the much-anticipated Mars – Venus coupling in Capricorn. Love is all around you! Believe it to receive it. 

Mars rules over our ability to move forward in life, our drive, our passion. Venus rules over abundance, love and romance. This powerful conjunction signifies the need to balance out divine masculine and divine feminine. Capricorn is all about hard work and practical application.

Mars is exalted in this cardinal earth sign and is driven to achieve its goals in a calculated, practical fashion. This is a powerful planetary alignment that can trigger a burning desire to excel in your love life (coupled or unattached). Pay a close attention to people coming in and out of your life at the time of this Full Moon. These changes are fated, and will eventually lead to your ultimate destiny. Trust the process. 

However, some astrologers have a less optimistic interpretation of Mars-Venus conjunction.

Mars is a malefic planet. It represents aggression and uncontrollable drive to succeed at all costs.

Mars is the God of War after all. Venus can be affected differently when it’s close to Mars.

Mars – Venus combination can represent emotional, physical and even sexual abuse in relationships.

Jeffrey Epstein had Mars-Venus conjunction in Pisces in his birth chart.

In terms of this Leo Full Moon, to me, the Mars-Venus conjunction symbolizes the hopeful heart at the time of great crisis. War (Mars) and peace (Venus) with the Leo Full Moon (the heart).

We must stay hopeful that peaceful resolutions and diplomacy can prevail and the presence of Venus will help smooth things over at this crucial, unprecedented time in modern history.

Before we dive in, be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture. When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life. Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story. Very often, your Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope. 

The Moon sign represents your emotional and psychological imprint and is worth checking out as well, especially if your primary focus at present is on matters of the heart. (Related article: Big 3 in Your Birth Chart: Why It Is Crucial for Unlocking Your Destiny )

Full Moon in Leo
Image: Author

Full Moon in Leo – What’s in Store for Aries

This lunation is illuminating your 5th house of fun, creative hobbies, love, romance and children.

If you have children, now is a perfect time to focus on them. Spend more time with your kids. Try new, fun ways to educate and engage them in fun activities.

For all the singles out there, this may not be the best time to meet a new love in terms of connecting with someone brand new. The square to the Lunar Nodes is highlighting the need to focus on your career foundation and vision for your future instead. Get your career and life goals clear and in the flow, and this will set a strong foundation for a new love to effortlessly enter your life when the time is right.

There will be plenty of opportunities later on this year to meet someone fabulous, who is just right for you! Stay optimistic and focused.

 What’s in Store for Taurus

Your 4th house of home, foundation and family of origin is activated by this Full Moon.

This Full Moon is forming a tense square to the North Node of destiny in your sign, dear Taurus. This square is illuminating the need to make sure your emotional needs are being met and you feel comfortable and secure in your home. Your home is your sanctuary, where you relax and recharge in order to go out into the world to achieve your goals. Pay close attention to what needs to be improved and adjusted in your home environment. It applies to both your physical place of living as well as to the people you are sharing your living space with (family members, loved ones, roommates, etc).

This Full Moon in courageous Leo is going to make you extra brave and decisive when it comes to confronting and dealing with any issues you may have in this area of your life.

What’s in Store for Gemini

This New Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, collaboration, connection with your community, neighbours, siblings, schoolmates, and extended family.

There could have been a lot of energy recently around learning something new and discovering new skill sets. Now is a good time to look at the components of these new skills and knowledge that you’ve gained. How can you utilise them in a more practical way? It’s all about practical application and pivoting around the time of this Full Moon.

You may also feel a strong urge to go back to school or start training in a new field at this time. 

With the Sun still in innovative, tech savvy Aquarius, try new, creative solutions or technology, such as latest apps and software programs, to help you improve your communication both online and offline

Full Moon in Leo – What’s in Store for Cancer

This Full Moon is activating your 2nd house of earned income, material possessions and self-worth.

This energy may prompt you to start thinking about new, unconventional, yet practical, ways of making money.

However, make sure your financial foundation is strong before proceeding with the changes. Make a detailed financial plan and don’t forget to plan out your expenses.

Re-evaluate your past expenses to check what can be cut out to increase your monthly budget.

Now is a great time to re-evaluate your values system.

Perhaps it’s time to leave the outdated beliefs behind and take on board some fresh new ideas and concepts.

Lunar Nodes shift into Taurus - Scorpio 2022 - 2023
Image: David McBee, Pexels

Full Moon in Your Sign, Leo!

This New Moon is happening in your 1st house of the self, dear Leo.

This is your personal Full Moon of the Year. 

You may be going through an identity crisis of some sort.

Thinking about a full makeover, perhaps?

Intense square to the Lunar Nodes is illuminating the need to take a practical approach to any major changes when it comes to your appearance and public image. Take a closer look at how you may have been blocking yourself and holding yourself back from creating what you truly desire to create when it comes to your reputation and your ultimate destiny. Is your life in alignment with your authenticity, your truth, your goals, your passion? If not, think about which practical steps you can take to rectify that.

Full Moon in Leo
Image: Sponchia, Pixabay

What’s in Store for Virgo

This Full Moon is activating the most hidden part of your horoscope, your 12th house.

You may feel the need to take a step back, retreat, and go inward.

Now is a great time to focus on your spiritual development.

Set aside time to meditate and rejuvenate daily.

You may be having some particularly vivid dreams. Pay close attention to the messages you are receiving in your dreams around this Full Moon.

Incorporating dream journaling into your daily routine can be super beneficial at this time. 

Full Moon in Leo – What’s in Store for Libra

This Full Moon is activating your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.

Now is a great time to re-evaluate goals and long-term plans regarding your social circle.

Perhaps it’s time to distance yourself from certain acquaintances? It can open your eyes to who your true friends really are.

This Full Moon is helping you realise that you absolutely can meet new people and connect with new social groups who are on the same wavelength as you. You don’t have to stick around those who are not in alignment with your authenticity and passion. You deserve to connect with your soul tribe and be surrounded by like-minded people.

What’s in Store for Scorpio

This Full Moon is forming a tense square to the North Node of destiny in your opposite sign of Taurus and the South Node of karmic lessons in your sign, dear Scorpio. This square is illuminating the need to get crystal clear and focused when it comes to your destiny in the world. Your career/ business goals in particular are taking the centre stage under the light of this Full Moon. What do you want to achieve this year and beyond when it comes to your professional life and public image? Work on a detailed plan, outline concrete steps you are going to take to get closer to the ultimate vision you have for yourself.

Be sure not to overwork yourself, though, to avoid any burnouts.

You may also decide to let go of your current career path and start contemplating on a brand new business endeavour or even retirement. 

What’s in Store for Sagittarius

This Full Moon is activating your 9th house of higher education, international travels and spirituality.

You may want to re-evaluate your belief system at this time.

This Full Moon is asking you to pull out of the daily grind and instead focus on the bigger picture.

Join a meditation class or become a member of spiritual community. Incorporating spiritual practices into your daily routines will certainly help to get more in alignment with your integrity, passion and life purpose.

Full Moon in Leo – What’s in Store for Capricorn

This Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of deep intimacy, past traumas, shared resources, debts and taxes

You may feel a strong desire to focus on your intimate relationships.

You can experience substantial breakthrough when it comes to healing past trauma and emotional wounds.

This Full Moon is illuminating the need to discuss and clarify matters concerning shared resources with your partner. 

Getting clarity in this department will help you see the bigger picture when it comes to planning your financial future. Just make sure you have a practical plan in mind on how to resolve any possible issues that may arise in this arena.

What’s in Store for Aquarius

This Full Moon is activating your 7th house of partnerships, clients and the public.

You may have a strong desire to succeed in the arena of relationships and partnerships of all kinds.

If you are unhappy in your current relationship, this Full Moon is going to see you thinking about why this is the case and what practical steps you can take to rectify that. You need to shift your focus with this Full Moon. You’ve been focusing a lot on yourself lately and now is the time to pay a closer attention to those around you.

Leo Full Moon
Image: Dessie Designs, Pixabay

What’s in Store for Pisces

This Full Moon is activating your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines and health-related matters. It is all about structure, discipline and dedication. We all know that this is one of your least favourite houses, dear Pisces. You are all about going with the flow, limitless creativity and absence of boundaries of any kind.

This Full Moon is drawing you back into reality and the daily grind.

Try to use this energy productively, even if you don’t feel like it. Make a realistic plan on how to achieve your health goals this year and beyond. Start thinking about overhauling your daily routines. Getting organised can help you free up some extra time that you can spend on your favourite hobbies and other soul expanding activities. It doesn’t have to be boring!

Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.