Understanding Your Moon Placement
Astrology Lessons

Understanding Your Moon Placement: the Key to Unlock your Subconscious

The position of the Moon in your horoscope is one of the most important placements when it comes to understanding your psyche, emotions, instincts, and subconscious. Our Sun sign represents our conscious mind. The Moon represents our subconscious.

Understanding your Moon placement can help get to the bottom of what really drives you in life.

The Sun sign represents our will and indicates the trajectory of who we are evolving into as we grow.

Our Moon sign, on the other hand, represents our instinctive reactions, our essence, and who we are at the core behind closed doors.

A deep understanding of your Moon placement and influences is key to successfully accomplishing your soul’s journey in this lifetime.

The Moon placement is key to unlocking the intuitive and hidden meaning of the chart and requires extra attention and time to analyze.

Natal Moon, Moon Placement in Astrology
Understanding your Moon Placement

The Difference between the Sun and the Moon

The difference between the Sun and the Moon archetypes in Astrology can be more precisely understood through Sigmund Freud’s id, ego, and super-ego theory.

According to this famous theory, certain aspects of one’s personality are more primal and instinct-based and pressure us to act upon subconscious urges. 

Other parts of our personality are more rooted in reality and strive to control our primal urges to ensure we behave in socially acceptable ways.

According to Freud, the id is the psyche, the unconscious, the only component of personality that is present from birth.

The ego is heavily influenced by the id and develops later in life to ensure that our primal impulses are expressed in accordance with socially acceptable norms.

In Astrology, the ego is represented by the Sun and the id by the Moon.

Very often, you keep your Moon personality hidden from the world.

This instinctive behavior, these primal urges, are usually called primitive, animalistic, even barbaric.

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We are often ashamed of our immediate, almost unconscious reactions to certain words and events that throw us off balance.

The hate, the jealousy, the fear, the obsession … we can’t reveal how we really feel in that moment. We must be well-behaved, gracious, and always in control to be considered civilized.

Our Moon placement is also responsible for our ability to feel and radiate joy, happiness, and to enjoy the simple pleasures in life and to cry and be emotionally moved by a great film or music.

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Image: Antonino Visalli, Unsplash

Diving Deep…

The house where your Moon is placed very often indicates your primary psychological needs.

The Moon represents infancy, childhood, the past, mother, or primary caretaker.

The Moon, along with Venus, is one of the most important planetary bodies when it comes to one’s romantic relationships and connections. In synastry, having one partner’s Moon in the same sign as the other’s Sun is one of the most prominent indicators of a strong emotional bond and harmonious love connection.

The Sun represents the divine masculine; the Moon, the divine feminine.

Every time you meet two people who have the same Sun sign and are totally different from each other, be sure to check their Moon signs.

Very often (together with the Ascendant signs) the difference in Moon signs is responsible for the contrast in personalities in people who share the same Sun sign.

That’s the main reason why those who are unfamiliar with the importance of considering various placements in one’s Birth Chart, are disappointed by Astrology and call it ‘total nonsense’.

We are all uniquely designed and have unique planetary placements.

Understanding our Moon sign is the first crucial step to painting one’s full physiological portrait.

Learning about your Moon sign and the aspects your natal Moon is making to other planets in your Birth Chart can really help when it comes to understanding the nature of inner conflicts.

You see, when your Sun sign is totally opposite in nature and element to your Moon sign or when they are in hard aspects, it can cause all sorts of inner turmoil that can’t be rationalized or logically explained.

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Image: Rishabh Dharmani, Unsplash

Lunar Returns

Every sign encompasses 30 degrees, so when you were born, the Moon was in one of the 12 signs, in a particular degree of that sign.

For instance, the movie icon Marylin Monroe had her Moon at 19 degrees of Aquarius.

Every month, the Moon returns to the exact spot it was in when you were born, which is referred to as the Lunar return.

Tracking your Lunar returns and observing how you feel at the time of the return can offer invaluable insight into your emotional journey in the month ahead.

Lunar Returns
Image: Blazenka Babic, Getty Images

Moon in Aries

Aries is the go-getter and fire-starter of the Zodiac.

If you have your Moon in fiery Aries, you can be very assertive, enthusiastic, and full of energy. You have a special gift for making others do what you want.

It’s a favourable placement for entrepreneurs, inventors, managers, politicians, and those in the military.   However, patience is not one of your strongest points. You tend to easily initiate new things but struggle to finish them.

The bright side of Aries Moon is energetic, optimistic, brave, and always ready to start new projects, relationships. You are enthusiastic, the leader of the pack.

The shadow side of Aries Moon is impulsive, stubborn, single-minded, opinionated, competitive, domineering, impatient.

Moon in Taurus

Moon loves to be in Taurus! It is exalted in this fixed earth sign. Overall it is a really favourable and auspicious Moon placement.

Taurus stabilises Moon’s ever changing nature.

It can provide great emotional stability and love for fashion and the finer things in life.

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Taurus also rules over land and agriculture. Taurus Moon can be very drawn to spending time in the countryside.

Very often it can indicate prominent singing abilities and powerful speaking voice.

It is a great placement for fashion designers, artists, farmers, professional chefs, singers and public speakers.

The bright side of Taurus Moon is trustworthy, stable, warm, affectionate, nurturing, artistic.

The shadow side of Taurus Moon is possessive, rigid,  overcautious, overindulgent, hedonistic, addicted to food, unwilling to change, stubborn.

Moon in Gemini

Some astrologers consider this placement rather challenging.

The mutable sign of Gemini can bring even more changeability to the ever-fluctuating Moon.

It can be hard to make firm decisions with this placement. You can keep changing your mind far too often.

However, it can make you very witty and great at keeping the conversation going.

It’s a favourable placement for broadcasters, PR specialists, journalists, bloggers, and writers.

The bright side of Gemini Moon is versatile, witty, intelligent, charming, lively, entertaining, engaging, has a great sense of humour.

The shadow side of Gemini Moon is disorganized, inconsistent, superficial, fake, unable to stay focused, unreliable.

Moon in Cancer

The Moon is at home in Cancer.

This placement can bless the native with profound intuition and phenomenal business instincts.

You can be highly creative and crave solitude.

Astrology post, Creativity, Moon Placement, 5th house
Image Eddy Klaus, Unsplash

However, because you hide your feelings so well under the shell, it is sometimes difficult for others to figure out where they stand with you.

The bright side of Cancer Moon is highly intuitive, caring, trustworthy, loyal, empathic, nurturing, creative.

The shadow side of Cancer Moon is moody, pessimistic, stuck in the past, self-pitying, clingy.

Moon in Leo

It’s show time! This placement certainly has a flair for glamour, fame and drama. Overall, it is a great placement. It gives warmth and stability to the Moon’s influence.

The bright side of Leo Moon is  exuberant, creative, fun-loving, extraverted, colourful.

The shadow side of Leo Moon is self-centred, conceited, arrogant, vain, attention seeking.

Moon in Virgo

This placement provides great stability to the ever-changing Moon.

As a Virgo Moon, you bring a touch of perfectionism and professionalism to everything you do.

It is an excellent placement for any kind of admin and research work.

However, Virgo Moons are sometimes so sceptical that they don’t believe even in what they see with their own eyes. They are questioning everything.

It’s important not to be too serious, overcritical and strenuous with this placement. 

The bright side of Virgo Moon is diligent, organized, responsible, loyal, intellectual, meticulous.

The shadow side of Virgo Moon is overcritical, petty, argumentative, too serious, finds it difficult to relax and enjoy the simple things in life.

Moon in Libra

If you have your natal Moon in Libra, you certainly appreciate fashion and all things beautiful.

You particularly favour everything to do with design and the arts.

This Moon placement grants a good dose of emotional intelligence when it comes to partnerships of all kinds. You are well aware of your environment and those around you, and can easily tune in into any conversation.

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Image: Montoya98, Pixabay

You are a born diplomat and have an innate ability to resolve almost any conflict.

However, you might have a tendency to run around the problem instead of solving it.

The best way to handle any arising tension with Moon placement would be through exhibiting assertive flexibility and well-balanced diplomacy without becoming overly accommodating and conflict-averse.

The bright side of Libra Moon is artistic, tasteful, tactful, born diplomat, considerate.

The shadow side of Libra Moon is overly accommodating, conflict-averse, risk-averse, avoiding problems, people pleasing, superficial.

Moon in Scorpio

It is considered to be a rather challenging Moon placement.

The Moon doesn’t like to be in Scorpio. It is exalted in Taurus, it’s opposite sign, and is in its fall position in Scorpio.

Scorpio wants to dig deep, get to the bottom of things.

It’s all about decay, death and rebirth. Scorpio is very prone to obsessions of all kinds, thanks to one of its rulers, mighty Pluto.

struggle to succeed and be free, fight for freedom of self expression
Image: ron lach, Pexels

These energies are just way too harsh and intense for the sensitive, nurturing Moon.

Scorpio Moon is fearless when it comes to intimacy.

Most likely than not, you are not prepared to compromise and seek to merge at the deepest soul level with another, demanding a real connection.

This Moon placement finds it hard to accept anything superficial.
It can, of course, cause a lot of drama and conflicts in relationships.

This placement is excellent for psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists, detectives, and researchers.

The bright side of Scorpio Moon is ability to dig deep and get to the bottom of things, honesty, ability to form deep, meaningful connections with others.

The shadow side of Scorpio Moon is being prone to jealousy, possessiveness, manipulation and obsession.

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius is super curious and loves to explore! It enjoys discovering new cultures, countries, cuisines, people and learning new languages.

This placement is excellent for a career in the travel industry. If you have this placement, it is very likely you feel the happiest when you are planning your next holiday.

Very often you may feel restless and bored of routine stuff. You love the change! It’s vital to keep things interesting and exciting not to get bored.

Sagittarius Moon is also favourable for teachers, professors, and philosophers.

The bright side of Sagittarius Moon is curious, adventurous, open-minded, ready to explore.

The shadow side of Sagittarius Moon is judgmental, self-righteous, getting bored easily, and restless.

Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn is the CEO of the Zodiac.

This sign is channeling Saturnian energies and is all about hard work, dedication and using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.

To cut a long story short, the Moon  is feeling rather constrained in Capricorn.

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Image: Hunters Race, Unsplash

If you have the Moon in stoic Capricorn, you are well organised, hardworking, and committed.

One of the biggest blessings of this placement is the ability to build firm personal boundaries.

You have no problem to say a firm ‘no’ to projects, partnerships and various temptations that can lure you away from achieving your goals.

The bright side of Capricorn Moon is well organised, hardworking, dedicated, and 100% committed.

The shadow side of Capricorn Moon – you are the ultimate workaholic! Try to find a reasonable life-work balance to avoid being burnt out.

Moon in Aquarius

Some astrologers consider this placement rather challenging.

The sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, revolution, breakdowns and breakthroughs.

This influence can bring even more changeability to the ever-fluctuating Moon.

Try to stay grounded and keep your mind calm through healthy escapism avenues by incorporating meditation and other wellness practices in your daily routine.

If you have this Moon placement, you tend to have a big personal and professional network of acquaintances but deep down you are inclined to stay distant from others.

You are ferociously individualistic. Sometimes it can be challenging to form deep, long-lasting relationships with this Moon placement.

However, Aquarius Moons are born humanitarians and are highly motivated to fight for justice and support charitable causes.

The bright side of Aquarius Moon is social, futuristic, being a progressive thinker. You are a born humanitarian and a justice warrior!

The shadow side of Aquarius Moon is inability to form deep, long-lasting relationships, being emotionally detached and scattered thinking.

Moon in Pisces

If you have your Moon in dreamy Pisces, you are most likely than not really creative in everything that you do, even if you are an accountant!

This placement is excellent for artists and musicians.

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Image: Asia Images Group

Moon in Pisces is ruled by the Lord of Illusions, Neptune and fully encompasses Neptunian qualities.

I recommend to study this planet in detail to get a really deep understanding of this placement.

It can be one of the best placements when it comes to creative talents, yet it can be one of the most challenging Moon placements of all, because the Moon fully absorbs all characteristics of Neptune.

This can surely lead to unleashing an artistic genius in you, but, unfortunately, it can also trigger unhealthy patterns of escapism, such as alcohol and drugs abuse, as well as other types of addictive behaviours.

The bright side of Pisces Moon is  creative, compassionate, musically gifted, imaginative, always ready to help those in need.

The shadow side of Pisces Moon is being prone to unhealthy ways of escapism, over sensitive, anxious, gullible, and unable to stay focused and complete tasks.

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.