Mars Retrograde 2022
Astrological Transits

Mars Retrograde in Gemini 2022 Survival Guide

While Mars is in retrograde from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023, it will prompt us to re-structure and re-evaluate the Gemini area of our chart.

In Astrology, Mars governs our life force, drive, ambition, motivation, sexual desires, aggression, sports, and general physical activities.

It symbolises our survival instinct; our flight or fight response to challenging outer circumstances.

‘The power is in action, not reaction’ – is the motto of this fiery planet.

In our love life, Mars rules over our sexual desires.

While Venus is the planet associated with our romantic attraction, Mars governs physical attraction, chemistry, and raw sex appeal.

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So what can we expect when this red, hot planet goes retrograde in the mutable air sign of Gemini?

Mars entered Gemini on August 20, 2022. 

We’ve already had a couple of months to familiarize ourselves with this energy and should have a pretty good idea by now of what to expect during this transit, and particularly during the retrograde period. 

It’s an unofficial rule that the time of an actual ingress is a good indicator of potential problems that may get escalated during planet’s retrograde. 

On average, Mars goes retrograde every two years, so it is considered to be a pretty significant cosmic event.

Mars in Gemini is an anxious and scattered energy. 

Recommended article to understand Mars in Gemini energy better:

This uneasy, anxious energy is going to be intensified when Mars goes retro in this mutable air sign.

You may feel pressured to start a number of things all at the same time.

However, it can backfire. Your time and energy may end up being wasted on projects that will not bring any tangible results in the long run.

Since Mars is going retrograde in the sign of Gemini, ruled by the planet of communication Mercury, we might be facing issues with mercurial things and problems with technology, traffic issues, even plane crushes, technological breakdowns, travel chaos situations, etc. 

Be extra cautions when sending texts and emails.

They may end up with the wrong person!

The keywords to describe Mars retrograde: re-commit, re-evaluate, re-apply, revisit, rethink, re-do, re-organize, rearrange, re-position, re-launch.

So make sure you engage in these activities more often than initiating brand new things.

It will be a lot more productive to invest in actions that have already been set in motion.

The main takeaway is not to put your life on hold while Mars is in retrograde!

Just be aware of its influence and use this energy to your advantage.

It can be a great opportunity to re-evaluate and re-organise the Gemini area of your chart.

The Cosmic Weather Report

The highlight of the Mars in Gemini transit is undoubtedly the Mars-Neptune square that is going to occur not once, but three times during this period due to its retrograde motion.

The first time Mars squaring off with the Lord of Illusions Neptune happened on October 11, 2022, a couple of weeks ahead of its retrograde.

The second square is occurring on November 19, 2022 when Mars is already in retrograde.

And the final, third square is happening towards the very end of Mars in Gemini transit, when it is already out of retrograde, on March 14, 2023.

The squares with Neptune will mark the peak of confusion and deception. 

Mars is becoming very disoriented and confused every time it enters any kind of conversation with this nebulous planet, especially if it is a square or an opposition. 

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Image: Rishabh Dharmani, Unsplash

Luckily, Mars will be also forming a helpful trine to the Lord of karma Saturn in Aquarius.

This is the good news!

This energy is going to help balance out those tricky Mars-Neptune conversations and will provide us with extra structure and support to work more effectively on revitalising the Gemini area of our chart.

Before we dive in, be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture. When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life.

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story.

Very often, your Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope. 

Mars Retrograde in Gemini – What’s in store for Aries

Mars is retrograding in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbours, and communication.

Now is a great time to catch up with your siblings and neighbours especially if you haven’t seen them in a while. You might feel an urge to re-connect with long-lost relatives or ex classmates. Trust your intuition on that.

You may also feel a strong urge to go back to school or re-start a training you’ve given up in the past for whatever reason.

What’s in store for Taurus

Mars slams on the breaks in your 2nd house of income, personal possessions, and values.

There might be a significant shift in your income. You may have to re-evaluate the way you are currently making the living.

Perhaps it’s time to re-visit the old ways you used to make money and give it a go again. There is a good chance it can turn into a steady stream of income.

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Image: Micheile dot com, Unsplash

However, now is not the best time to initiate something totally brand new when it comes to your finances.

It would be best to re-commit yourself to the financial plan you’ve already set out for yourself and stick to it until at least January when Mars goes direct in this sector of your chart.

Mars Retrograde in your Sign, Gemini!

The red, hot planet of drive and ambition is retrograding in your sign, Gemini!

This is a big deal.

You will be drawn to spending more time working on your physical body. Now is an excellent time to get in shape and overhaul your entire lifestyle.

However, you may feel extra anxious and scattered while Mars is in retrograde.

It’s key to make a conscious effort to ground yourself during this transit and avoid meaningless multitasking that can leave you burned out without achieving any tangible results.  

Remember, initiating something of importance that is completely brand new is not recommended at this time.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini – What’s in store for Cancer

This transit is happening in the most hidden part of your horoscope.

The 12th house rules over subconscious, intuition, psychic realms, and isolation, among other things.

You might be experiencing disruptions of your sleep, recurring nightmares or insomnia.

 Your anxiety levels may go through the roof leaving you feeling burned out and extra stressed.

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Image: Nathan Cowley, Pexels

This is a very tricky transit for our Cancer people.

You do need to make a conscious effort to ground yourself and balance out this uneasy energy.

Reflection and meditation can be especially beneficial at this time.

Mars retrograde in the 12th house is going to stir up a lot of hidden, subconscious stuff that will require extra attention and effort to process.

You may feel that your energy is depleted at this time. Allow yourself to take plenty of rest and make sure you get a good night sleep to rejuvenate.

What’s in store for Leo

Mars in Gemini is going retrograde in your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.

Excellent time to re-evaluate your social connections both online and offline that no longer resonate with your vision for the future.

You may feel an urge to re-connect with long-lost friends or ex work colleagues and re-commit to your social obligations.

However, now is not a great time to launch a brand new community project, new social club or become a leader of a social group or a charity. This can backfire in the long run.

Also it is not recommended to mix money and friendship at this time.

If you are trying to let go of a connection for good during Mars retrograde this may not last for too long, there is a good chance you will re-connect again once Mars goes forward in January.

What’s in store for Virgo

Mars is retrograding in the 10 house of your horoscope, activating matters of social status, public image and achievements.

This is the highest point in your chart, you may feel like you are being pushed into a myriad of different directions at work. Be sure not to overwork yourself to avoid any burnouts.

Now is an excellent time to re-evaluate your public image. Perhaps you will decide to let go of your current career path.

However, now is not the best time to start a brand new career or a work project.

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Image: Hunters Race, Unsplash

It will be a lot more productive if you focus you energy on the projects you haven’t completed yet.

Mars transiting this sector of your chart will infuse you with extra energy and drive to get things done.

However, it will be wise to wait until it goes direct in January to initiate brand new beginnings in this area of your life.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini – What’s in store for Libra

Mars is going retrograde in your 9th house. This transit is all about shifting your overall outlook on life, religious and political views. Perhaps you will start thinking about travelling again.

Mars in Gemini in this part of your chart can activate a strong desire to explore foreign lands, customs, and traditions.

Now is a great time to re-visit a place you’ve visited before.

However, it’s not a great time to travel to a brand new destination.  There is a high risk of experiencing all sorts of problems, like flights cancelations and issues with technology.

What’s in store for Scorpio

Mars slams on the breaks in one of the most challenging houses of your chart.

You may feel a strong desire for a radical transformation of some sort.

Be extra mindful when it comes to financial matters, especially anything to do with loans, taxes, and shared resources. Now is a great time to re-apply for loans and other financial assistance that you may not have gotten in the past.

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Image: Bulat Silvia, Getty Images

It could be a good time to re-visit and heal any psychological issues from the past that might be activated during this transit.

What’s in store for Sagittarius

The red, hot planet of action and desire is retrograding in your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, public, and legal matters. You may feel the need to re-evaluate your relationship status at this time.

Now is a great opportunity to resolve any issues and conflicts that are still lingering from the past.

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Image: Taylor Hernandez, Unsplash

However, it is not a great time to start a brand new relationship or business partnership, as it may fizzle out once Mars goes direct in January.

Mars Retrograde in Gemini – What’s in store for Capricorn

Mars is retrograding in your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines, and health-related matters.

Excellent time to overhaul your diet and exercise regime. Letting go of any addictions and unhealthy habits is especially favoured at this time.

You may feel drawn to get back to a certain routine that was successful for you in the past, but for some reason you didn’t manage to stick to it.

mediation and sound bath
Image: Conscious Design, Unsplash

Now is also a great time to re-apply for a job or promotion that you didn’t get in the past.

There is a great chance you may just get it this time around!

What’s in store for Aquarius

The planet of action and desire slams on the breaks in one of the most exciting sectors of your chart, Aquarius! Great time to get your creative juices flowing again, especially if you felt creatively stuck and unmotivated as of late.

 You may feel drawn to a hobby or interest you’ve given up in the past for whatever reason.

Now is a great time to re-ignite passion within your romantic relationship, especially if you feel it has fizzled out.

If you are single and looking, now may not be the best time to start something brand new.

However, you may re-connect with one of your past flames during this time to rekindle a passionate romance.

Now is a great opportunity to start spending more time with your kids again if you have any.  

Excellent time to pick up activities you used to do together. This can help you bond with them on a much deeper level.

What’s in store for Pisces

Pisces, you may feel drawn to staying at home and spending more time with your family at this time.  

It is a very favourable time to resolve any family conflicts or arguments still lingering from the past.

It’s an excellent time to re-connect with your nearest and dearest with whom you’ve lost touch for whatever reason. Wipe the slate clean and start afresh.

It could be a great time to pick up a home renovation project that you’ve started in the past but didn’t have either enough time or finances to get it completed.

Not a great time to relocate, unless you are planning to relocate to a place, city or country you used to live in the past.

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.