Astrological Transits

Mars in Gemini Transit 2022-2023 

The fiery planet of action Mars entered the Zodiac sign of Gemini on August 20, 2022. 

It will be a longer-than-usual stay since Mars goes retrograde in this mutable air sign on October 30, and will leave Gemini for good only on March 25, 2023!

It will be marching through the sign of the Twins for over 7 months! 

That’s a big deal.  

Mars will add extra heat and excitement to the Gemini part of your chart.  

Now is the perfect opportunity to familiarize ourselves with this energy. 

We can get a pretty good idea of what to expect during this transit, and particularly during the retrograde period at the start of its journey. 

It’s an unofficial rule that the time of an actual ingress is a good indicator of potential problems that may get escalated during planet’s retrograde. 

 Mars in Gemini is for sure one of the most prominent cosmic influences of the end of this year. 

Normally Mars stays in a given sign for about 6 weeks at a time. 

This time around it stations retrograde at about 25 degrees of Gemini, and then stations direct at 8 degrees in January, 2023. 

So 8-25 degrees of Gemini is going to be the range of the retrograde period.  

The part of your chart that covers this range will be massively activated at this time.  

Getting to know Mars in Gemini  

Mars is the planet of action. 

It doesn’t feel particularly good in air signs as it lacks concrete direction and ability to persevere against all odds. 

Mars in Gemini can feel scattered, pulled in different directions, and a little bit all over the place.  

It changes its mind way too often and is trying to accomplish a myriad of tasks all at the same time which can impact productivity in a rather negative way. 

It’s key to make an effort to ground yourself during this transit and avoid meaningless multitasking that can leave you feeling burned out without achieving any tangible results.  

Astrology, Zodiac signs, Horoscopes, Birth Chart
Image: Avel Chuklanov

On a collective, we can witness escalation of information warfare and increase in cyber security issues. 

Online scammers most likely will be on the rise, too. 

It’s vital to be mindful of what you are putting out there on social media and also in your personal communication with your co-workers, higher ups, friends & family.  

You can come across a few rather unhinged individuals during this time. 

Stay cool, calm, and collected when triggered. It’s vital to remember that words can get weaponized and really hurt people.  

Since you are a conscious soul and aware of the current cosmic weather, be a little bit more forgiving than usual (though it doesn’t mean you should let others walk all over you, of course!)  

It’s not the best time to get involved in any form of gossip or slander. 

It can really backfire. 

And you will be tempted! 

Mars in Gemini loves to collect and twist personal information. 

Expect  heated, often unpleasant exchanges online, over dinner tables, on public transport.  

Incidents of road rage can be on the increase, too.  

The Silver Lining 

On a positive note, Mars in Gemini can be a helpful energy when it comes to writing and completing little mundane tasks. 

It can push us to start learning a new skill or upgrading current skill set. 

It’s absolutely vital to channel this uneasy, nervous energy (Mars in Gemini can make you feel anxious) through physical activities, such as exercising. 

It is an excellent time to get into shape and sort out your diet, especially if the Gemini area falls in the 2nd or 6th house of your chart. 

Sporty fit woman, aquamarine leggings, exercising in a living room, fitness video
Image: MilanMarkovic, Getty Images

As mentioned previously, Mars in Gemini can make you feel extra anxious due to an overly active mind. 

You may suffer from insomnia and restlessness. 

Implementing meditation and journaling into your daily routine can be especially beneficial at this time. 

Make sure to dedicate some time for this sort of practices to calm your mind so you can feel fully present in the moment. 

The Cosmic Weather Report 

Mars’s journey through Gemini is promising to be eventful when it comes to cosmic alignments. 

Mars will trine Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and will square off with the Lord of illusions Neptune in Pisces. 

 The square with Neptune will mark the peak of confusion and deception. 

Mars is becoming very disoriented and confused every time it enters any kind of conversation with this nebulous planet, especially if it is a square or an opposition. 

Since Mars is transiting the sign of Gemini, ruled by the planet of communication Mercury, we might be facing issues with mercurial things and problems with technology, traffic issues,  even plane crushes, technological breakdowns, travel chaos situations, etc  

One thing is for sure – the Gemini part of your birth chart will be massively transformed and by the time the red planet of action enters the water sign of Cancer on March 25! 

Use this time wisely, it’s your chance to make positive changes in a meaningful, productive way.


Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.