Horoscope for Pisces
Zodiac Signs

Pisces Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits in Life & in Love

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. As the mutable water sign, Pisces have the unique ability to adjust to the feelings and energies of others.

It is the sign of compassion, unconditional love and spiritual rebirth.

Pisces have a mystical, ethereal aura about them. 

They are extremely gifted in creative fields.

Birth Chart, Astrology, Pisces, Astrology planets
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Many talented musicians, actors, writers, poets have strong Piscean placements in their Birth Charts.

However, it’s worth noting that extreme sensitivity can be both a blessing and a curse…

Many astrologers believe that this Zodiac sign is the link between the spirit world and the earthly realm.

Those born with the prominent planetary Pisces placements are believed to be old souls who’ve been through numerous incarnations and have experienced both the good and the evil of this world.

This explains their intuitive wisdom and forgiving nature.

Like other sister water signs (Cancer and Scorpio), Pisceans have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche.

More often than not, they are born with the gift of prophecy and highly developed intuition. Pisceans seem to always know first with their heart.

Birth Chart, Astrology, Pisces, Astrology planets
Image: Pixelshot

Pisces Facts

  • Sun in Pisces: February 18 – March 20
  • Pisces symbol: Two fishes swimming in the opposite directions
  • Pisces ruling planets: Jupiter (ancient ruler) and Neptune (modern ruler)
  • Pisces element: Water
  • Pisces modality: Mutable
  • Pisces ruling house: 12th house of intuition, imprisonment, self-undoing, sorrow, addiction,  psychic gifts, dreams and illusions
  • Pisces key traits: Emotional, dreamy, spaced out, otherworldly, intuitive, creative

Before we dive in, it’s vital to consider Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture. It is not just the Sun sign that matters!

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story. Very often, Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules the first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on the personal horoscope. 

Related Article: The Big 3 in your Birth Chart (Ascendant/Sun/Moon)

The Moon sign represents emotional and psychological imprint and is worth checking out as well, especially if the primary focus is on matters of the heart. 

Related Article: Understanding Your Moon Placement

Also, if you have any 3-4 planets (not necessarily personal planets, e.g. Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, etc) in a particular sign (it’s called ‘stellium’) this sign will have a major impact on your Birth Chart as well.

Planetary Influences

Ruled by Neptune, the planet of unconditional love, illusions and mysteries, Pisces is the most compassionate sign of the Zodiac.

Neptune is an outer planet.

It dissolves boundaries and connects us to the divine Source.

Neptune is the higher octave of Venus.

It brings the beauty to a higher, more spiritual level.

No wonder Venus is exalted in Pisces, the sign ruled by Neptune.

The ancient ruler of Pisces is the planet of expansion and good fortune Jupiter.

In traditional astrology, Pisces is ruled by Jupiter, while Neptune rules Pisces in modern astrology.

The blend of these co-ruling planets is blessing this mutable water sign with the gift of intuition and expansive imagination.

Related Article: Your Birth Chart – Understanding the Planets

Introduction to Neptune

Neptune, the God of the Seas in Roman mythology, is the planet of ideals, intuition, spirituality, psychic powers, compassion, and unconditional love. It is the domain of dreams and illusions.

Birth Chart, Astrology, Pisces, Astrology planets
Image: Jills, Pixabay

Neptune governs the ocean. It rules over rain, fog, and liquids of all kinds, including alcohol.

It also rules drugs and other unhealthy means of escapism.

Neptune is known as the Lord of Illusions. It makes us want to escape mundane, boring, everyday reality to enter a dreamy, heavenly state.

Neptune is closely connected with self-deception and makes us view the world through rose-coloured glasses.

It can cause a lot of problems if badly aspected in one’s chart.

The most productive way to deal with its shadow side is through engaging in healthy means of escapism. Creativity, music, films, the arts are all ruled by Neptune.

Related article: Neptune in Astrology

Top 5 Pisces Personality Traits

The astrological symbol of Pisces is the two fishes tied together, swimming in the opposite directions.

It represents conflicting emotions and desires that need to be balanced.

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Image: MDtri, Getty Images

1. Extreme Sensitivity

This trait can be the most vulnerable point for this mutable Zodiac sign.

Pisceans are way too impressionable and tend to absorb all the energies and influences around them, both positive and negative. This can cause a lot of problems.

It’s vital to stay mindful and learn some lessons from its opposite sign of Virgo on how to build personal boundaries and maintain energetic hygiene.

2. Abundant Creativity

Pisceans are super creative in everything that they do in life.

They tend to pick professions in the creative and healing fields. Even if Pisceans work in traditional professions, they always find creative solutions to the most mundane problems.

Not many natives of this sign are suited to the harsh corporate environment. Pisceans are poets, dreamers, musicians and mystics at heart.

Image: Author

Quite often those with prominent Pisces planetary placements in their Birth charts struggle with adjusting to the matrix.

It’s absolutely vital for them to have creative hobbies they can devote themselves to.

Pisceans must find a way to channel this immense creativity they are born with, otherwise there is a risk it may manifest in addictions and other unhealthy means of escapism.

3. Unconditional Love and Compassion

Pisceans are born healers. Extreme sensitivity blesses them with the gift of unconditional love and compassion.

They are capable of picking up on energies of people and places as soon as they enter a room.

Pisceans have a real gift for understanding what someone is going through and, most importantly, how to heal one’s heart.

4. Escapism and Self-Deception

Ancient astrologers called Pisces the sign of sorrow from self-destruction.

One of the biggest issues is the tendency to escape from what Pisces don’t want to deal with. If not managed properly, this can lead to Pisceans fall prey to overindulgence and addictions.

mending the broken heart, break-up, healing from depression, trauma
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Although they can be rather impractical and even lazy, Pisceans are totally capable of prodigious work. Their talents are best developed through engaging in projects and hobbies they truly care about.

Despite the fact that Pisces are totally unselfish and can work relentlessly for others, they often find it hard to stay focused and disciplined when it comes to their own matters.

5. Visionaries and Psychics

Those with prominent Pisces planetary placements are capable of high intellectual achievements.

They are true visionaries, borderline psychics.

Pisceans have the unique ability to look into the future. It often seems like they are channelling their breakthrough ideas right from the Source.

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Image: Syda Productions

No wonder one of the world’s most brilliant minds had their Sun in Pisces: Steve Jobs, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo.

Their dreamy and deeply creative nature allows Pisceans to view the world from a unique standpoint. They have their unique way of receiving and processing information, which differs from the norm and makes them so special.

Pisceans are free thinkers, they view the world through the lense of otherworldly realms, which leads to major advances in technological breakthroughs, futuristic trends, and science.

However, in order to achieve tangible results, they must develop a set of practical skills and personal boundaries.

Pisceans should balance out their hyper sensitive nature and desire to escape every time there is a problem with the ability to communicate their vision in a cohesive, practical manner.

Pisces in Love

Hands down, Pisces is the hopeless romantic of the Zodiac. They LOVE being in love. There is a tendency to view their romantic partners through rose-tinted glasses.

Very often, Pisceans spend a lot of time daydreaming about their ideal love match. The actual reality of being in a relationship may seem like a total turn off to them.

Leo Full Moon
Image: Dessie Designs, Pixabay

One of the biggest lessons in love for Pisceans is to understand that no one is perfect. It takes a lot of work and patience to be in a solid, long-lasting, loving relationship.

Pisces is a sign that represents unconditional love and compassion.

They are truly capable of giving it all to their loved ones. However, there is a tendency to attract ‘damaged goods’ as Pisceans love to play the role of a saviour.

Pisceans are classic empaths. Unfortunately, empaths very often attract narcissists and other dysfunctional individuals.

It’s vital to make sure that there’s an equal give and take in a relationship.

Pisceans need to be with someone who is just as kind and caring as they are. Otherwise, it often leads to a toxic dynamic in a partnership.

Unhappy couple after a row, healing a break-up, unsatisfactory relationship
Image: martin-dm, Getty Images

Learning how to build and protect solid personal boundaries is another major lesson Pisceans should master in life and in love.

Famous People with the Sun in Pisces

Drew Barrymore

Osama bin Laden

Frederic Chopin

Kurt Cobain

Cindy Crawford

Albert Einstein

Bobby Fischer

Mikhail Gorbachev

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Victor Hugo

Steve Jobs

Jon Bon Jovi


Rupert Murdoch

Rudolph Nureyev

Elizabeth Taylor

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.