Jupiter in Aries transit 2022 - 2023
Astrological Transits

Jupiter in Aries Transit 2022 – 2023

The greater benefic Jupiter is leaving its home sign of dreamy Pisces to enter fiery Aries on May 10, 2022.

Jupiter represents growth, generosity, good fortune, optimism, and abundance. It expands everything it touches.

Even though Jupiter loves being at home in Pisces, it is doing very well in fire signs. It is also the ruler of adventurous Sagittarius.

Jupiter is a social, masculine planet. It’s a gross misconception to think that it just bestows blessings left, right and centre. Jupiter favours those who are willing to take inspired action and go after their dreams.

Aries is all about courage, vitality and motivation. Jupiter in Aries is a great time to expand on our ability to take inspired, decisive action in order to actively create our own opportunities.

It’s action time! Especially for those with prominent fire and air placements in their birth chart.

Jupiter in Aries transit
Jupiter in Aries transit

We will all feel extra motivated and independent.

There is going to be a strong desire to do what we are willing to do. Jupiter in Pisces was all about what’s good for humanity as a collective.

The energy of Aries is focused a lot more on the self and what’s good for us on an individual level.

Learning more about the Zodiac sign of Aries and what it represents in astrology can significantly help navigate this auspicious transit more productively.

Related article: All about Aries Zodiac Sign

Key Dates of Jupiter’s Transit through Aries

Last time Jupiter transited Aries was back in 2010 and 2011. Think about the themes activated during that time.

There is a big chance there might be some sort of connection this time around as well, even though not necessarily.

It all depends on what’s going on in your personal birth chart and what other transits are at play.

Jupiter’s transit in Aries starts on May 10, 2022 till Oct 28, 2022. It then goes back to Pisces for a short while during its retrograde period.

It re-enters Aries on Dec 20, 2022 and stays there all the way till May 16, 2023.

  • May 10 – Jupiter enters Aries
  • May 29 – Jupiter conjuncts Mars in Aries

Super powerful energy, especially when it comes to military conflicts. Mars, the God of War, is very strong in Aries. Touched by Jupiter, its fiery, aggressive energy is going to be amplified tenfold. It’s very likely we might be witnessing culmination points of various conflicts around the globe end of May – mid June.

  • July 28 – November 23 – Jupiter Retrograde (in Aries and Pisces)
  • July 28 – Jupiter trines New Moon in Leo

This energy is just beautiful. Jupiter is going to trine both the Sun and the Moon. Even though it’s retrograde at this time, this energy is excellent for major new beginnings.

Mark this auspicious, lucky date in your calendar!

Astrology, Astrology predictions, Zodiac Signs Horoscopes
Image: Khwanchai, Phanthong’s Images
  • March 2023 – Jupiter conjuncts asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer.

This energy indicates major activation of the healing process of our emotional, psychological and even physical wounds both on a personal and collective level.

Before we dive in, it’s vital to consider Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture. It is not just the Sun sign that matters!

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story. Very often, Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules the first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on the personal horoscope. 

Related Article: The Big 3 in your Birth Chart (Ascendant/Sun/Moon)

Jupiter is in your sign, dear Aries!

The planet of luck and abundance is ingressing into your 1st house of the self, dear Aries.

It’s a big deal! This is your moment to shine.

This favorable ingression will impact your energy and vitality in the most positive way. You will feel extremely energized when it comes to work and achieving your goals. It’s not going to be the time of sitting back and envisioning your perfect life.

Happiness, sunrise, glad to be alive, a happy woman with open arms
Image: StockSnap, Pixabay

You will feel extremely ambitions and motivated to forge ahead.

You are being called to create your own reality through your decisive actions. You will feel a lot more independent and willful.

It’s going to be a very passionate and optimistic time for you if you follow Jupiter’s call to go actively after your dreams.

What’s in Store for Taurus

Jupiter is transiting the most hidden part of your horoscope, your 12th house.

You may feel the need to retreat and go inward.

It is all about new beginnings when it comes to your spiritual development.

Healing any emotional wounds, addictions and other self-destructive behaviours is called for at this time.

Get ready for next year, when Jupiter enters your sign.

Tie up all the loose ends so you can make the most of its transit through your 1st house of the self in 2023.

What’s in Store for Gemini

Jupiter is going to activate your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships.

best friends having fun together, summer time, summer fun, happiness, joy
Image: Gpoint Studio

Now is a great time to expand on your social goals and long-term plans regarding your social circle.

Perhaps it’s time to get more active and put yourself out there so you can meet new people.

There is a great chance you can connect with your soul tribe during this time. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Jupiter in Aries – What’s in Store for Cancer

Jupiter is activating your 10th house of social status, public image, and achievements. 

You may feel a strong desire to initiate major new beginnings in your career during this time.

Be sure not to overwork yourself, though, to avoid any possible burnouts.

There is also a great chance of getting recognised for your accomplishments.

We all know how much you love Netflix & chill, but it may not be the most productive way to spend your time during this auspicious transit through the highest point of your chart.

achieving success, climbing corporate ladder, building career, the sky is the limit
Image: Darren Baker

It’s action time! Don’t miss this opportunity.

What’s in Store for Leo

Jupiter in your sister fire sign of Aries is activating your 9th house of higher education, international travels, and spirituality.

You may feel drawn to expand on your belief system. You may also feel an urge to join a new meditation class or become a member of a spiritual community.

Now is a great time to plan your next big international travel. It’s an excellent time to relocate to another state or even country, if you’ve been thinking about it for a while.

What’s in Store for Virgo

Jupiter is activating in your 8th house of deep intimacy, past traumas, shared resources, debts and taxes.

You may feel drawn to re-evaluate and heal your intimate relationships.

You can experience a breakthrough when it comes to healing past traumas and emotional wounds.

Healing stones for healing depression, injuries and trauma
Image: MKChiang, Getty Images

Now is also a good time to discuss matters concerning shared resources with your partner. Don’t worry the greater benefic Jupiter is here to support all of your endeavors!

Jupiter in Aries – What’s in Store for Libra

Jupiter is ingressing into your 7th house of partnerships, clients and the public.

You may have a strong desire to succeed in the arena of personal relationships and partnerships in business at this time.

If you are unhappy in your current relationship, you are going to be asked to think about why this is the case and what practical steps you can take to rectify that.

If you’ve been single and looking for a great partner, now is the perfect time to fulfil your dream. In ancient astrology Jupiter represents the husband in a woman’s chart.

It’s a great omen that you can finally meet the love of your life.

Astrology, Astrology predictions, Zodiac Signs Horoscopes
Image: Montoya98, Pixabay

What’s in Store for Scorpio

Your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines and health-related matters is activated by Jupiter at this time, dear Scorpio.

It is ushering in new powerful beginnings when it comes to your diet and exercise regime.

Now is a great time to overhaul your daily routines and make a plan on how to achieve your health goals in 2022-2023 and beyond.

What’s in Store for Sagittarius

Jupiter’s ingression into your sister fire sign of Aries is indeed good news, Sagittarius! Your ruler is going to empower you to achieve the most ambitious goals to date! It is illuminating your 5th house of fun, creative hobbies, love, romance and children.

It pushes you to think outside the box. New, creative solutions to old problems may just come up seemingly out of nowhere.

Now is an excellent opportunity to turn your favourite hobby into a profitable side hustle.

If you’ve been wanting to have kids, now is a great time to conceive.

Even if you’ve had fertility problems in the past, you can expect real miracles at this time.

Your benevolent ruler Jupiter is on your side, dear Sagittarius!

Hands of a parent, baby hands, red heart, parental love and affection
Image: takasuu, Getty Images

Jupiter in Aries – What’s in Store for Capricorn

Your 4th house ofhome, foundation and family of origin is activated by this Jupiter’s transit.

Now is an excellent time to plan things like home renovation projects. If you’ve been wanting to buy a property, now is a great time to do it.

If you’ve had any conflicts or rifts within your family in the past, now is the perfect time to repair and restore your relationships with your loved ones.

What’s in Store for Aquarius

Jupiter in Aries is activating your 3rd house ofcommunication, neighbours, siblings, schoolmates, and extended family.

You may feel a strong urge to go back to school or start a training in a new field. 

Try new, creative solutions or technology, such as latest apps and software programs, to help you improve your communication both online and offline.

It’s a great time to start online business. Jupiter is here to support you, dear Aquarius. Go for it!

What’s in Store for Pisces

Your benevolent ruler Jupiter is activating your 2nd house of income, material possessions and self-worth. This is great news, Pisces! Expect increase in your income and earning potential.

Expect new powerful beginnings when it comes to unconventional, yet practical, ways of making money.

Now is a great time to re-evaluate your values system. Heal any possible issues when it comes to your self-worth.

Perhaps it’s time to leave the outdated beliefs behind and take on board some new fresh ideas and concepts. It can open a lot of doors for you, dear Pisces.

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.