Horoscope for Libra
Zodiac Signs

Libra Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits in Life & in Love

Peace-loving, cultured, and impossibly charming Libra is the ultimate diplomat of the Zodiac.

Ruled by Venus, the Goddess of love and abundance, Libras admire beauty in all of its forms: in music, art, decoration, people, and surroundings.

Their home always has a touch of elegance, showcasing great taste and a sense of style.

Libras love to surround themselves with beautiful objects and create environments that reflect their exquisite taste and eye for detail.

While Aries, Libra’s opposite sign, represents “me,” Libra represents “we.” 

Relationships and partnerships of all kinds are paramount for this cardinal air sign.

They constantly seek to find the right balance between all sides involved. 

Libras love to maintain harmonious partnerships.

Libra people love to be coupled up and rarely stay single for long. 

Since they always try to keep everyone happy and engaged, Libras tend to let others overstep their personal boundaries. 

One of their negative traits is the tendency to people please and walk on eggshells. 

However, it doesn’t mean Libras are pushovers. Libra is a cardinal sign, which means it has the ability to initiate things and achieve great results. 

However, because Libras always consider multiple perspectives and thrive to achieve fairness and balance, they tend to struggle with indecision. 

Instead of constantly seeking outside perspectives, Libras should learn to trust their own judgement and intuition. 

They have the unique ability to navigate any social situation with effortless and enviable ease. 

Libras are born diplomats. 

They can easily switch on their magnetic charm even when faced with an open confrontation. 

Libra Zodiac sign

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule.

It usually happens when Venus, the ruling planet of Libra, is severely damaged in a Birth Chart (usually receiving harsh aspects from the Sun, Saturn, Pluto, and/or Mars).

The lesson here is to work on strengthening your Venus, no matter how hard it may be, to develop unique skills and abilities so you can confidently channel your innate Venusian qualities.

Attend art galleries, cultural events, design exhibitions, etc..

Learn how to decorate your home and workspace.

This type of activities will help strengthen your natal Venus so you can feel a lot better in your own skin.

Libra facts

  • Sun in Libra: September 22 – October 23
  • Libra symbol: the Scales
  • Libra ruling planet: Venus
  • Libra element: Air
  • Libra modality: Cardinal
  • Libra polarity: Aries
  • Libra ruling house: 7thhouse of relationships, marriage, partnerships, and the public
  • Part of the body ruled by Libra: The lower back andkidneys
  • Libra key traits: diplomatic, friendly, pleasant, sophisticated, cultured, charming, avoidant, indecisive

Before we dive in, it’s vital to consider Ascendant, Moon and Sun signs to get a full picture.

It is not just the Sun sign that matters!

Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story.
Very often, Ascendant (or Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules the first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on the personal horoscope. 

The Moon sign represents emotional and psychological imprint and is worth checking out as well, especially if the primary focus is on matters of the heart. 

Also, if you have any 3-4 planets in a particular sign (it’s called ‘stellium’) this will have a major impact on your Birth Chart as well.

Top 3 Libra Personality Traits:

1. Charming Pacifist

Always diplomatic and charming, Libras can effortlessly fit into any place at any time. 

They tend to always seek peace and balance and try to avoid conflict at all costs.

Libras bring harmony to any situation they face. 

They make amazing diplomats, HR specialists, and peace negotiators. 

“Let’s just all get along” – is Libra’s motto. 

Librans strive for everything to be smooth-sailing and plain seas.
They try to calm troubled waters, build bridges, and mend fences like no other.

Birth Chart, Astrology
Image: Krakenimages, Unsplash

Unfortunately, very often their empathy, listening skills and ability to understand all sides of the conflict result in their own opinions and desires to be unnoticed and ignored. 

Libra people should learn how to protect their own boundaries and stand their ground despite the fear of upsetting someone.

That’s one of the biggest lessons of this Zodiac sign. 

2. Cultured Art Lover and Admirer of all Things Beautiful

Those with prominent Libra placements appreciate the beauty in every shape and form.

They love attending art galleries and cultural events.

Libras have an eye for design.

They make excellent interior decorators, artists, architects, designers, and architects.

Even if a Libra is not involved in the arts by profession, they have a tendency to make everything around them look aesthetically pleasant.

Venus is the planet of physical beauty, among other things. Libras make great makeup artists, aesthetic physicians, beauty therapists, and clothes designers.

3. Indecisive Diplomat

One of the negative personality traits of a Libra is that they have a tendency to pussyfoot around the problem, trying to please both sides of the conflict.

Their efforts to bring about peace and agreement to every situation are highly valued and appreciated, of course, however, if not managed properly, it can greatly annoy people around them.

They can become their own worst enemy by trying to be good to everyone involved.

It’s vital for Libras to learn how to make a firm decision and stick to it.

Libra in Love

Libra is the Zodiac sign that is associated with partnerships, so having harmonious relationships with others is Libra’s ultimate goal in life. 

Libra people don’t like to stay single for too long. They love to be coupled up with a partner they cherish and adore.

Librans discover different sides to themselves through their intimate connections.

They love to explore the world hand in hand with their beloved partner in crime. 

Happy couple in love, loving relationship, married couple, having fun
Image: Valeria Ushakova

As mentioned previously, Libras tend to get fully absorbed by wishes and desires of other people. 

Working on expressing their own ideas and opinions within a relationship (be it a romantic or a business partnership) is something that Libras should master in this lifetime. 

Without a doubt, it can be one of the toughest challenges a Libra can face. 

Libras love to be in love. 

Ruled by the planet of love and abundance Venus, Libra people are amazing lovers. 

When a Libra is in love, they are deeply and fully absorbed by their lover.

They will give their partner all the love, care, and affection they can give. 

Astrology, Zodiac signs, Horoscopes, Birth Chart
Image: Podnae Productions, Pexels

Unfortunately, Libras tend to fall in love rather too quickly, very often, without getting to know the subject of their affection well enough.

Unfortunately, this can cause disappointment later on as a relationship progresses to the next level beyond the honeymoon stage.

Libras are one of the biggest flirts out there. Very often they don’t even realise they are acting too frivolous and playful. 

It can be easily misinterpreted by their partners as a sign of potential infidelity and betrayal.

This can cause conflicts in a relationship which is a no-no for a Libra.

They get easily turned off by possessive and clingy behaviour from their partner. 

A well-balanced dialogue is always the best tool to resolve any issue you might be facing with a Libra. 

In addition, Libras have a bad rep for being indecisive.

They can carry on with a relationship that ran its course a while ago just because they don’t want to upset anyone. 

Librans prefer to avoid conflict at all costs. 

Ruled by the planet of beauty Venus, Libra is the sign that likes to be surrounded by stylish things and luxurious decor. 

They love dates that have a cultural aspect to them, such as going to a museum or attending an art gallery or a film premiere, etc. 

Libras really appreciate romantic dates that are well planned. 

They also love to organise and plan romantic dates themselves, as they love nothing more than making their partner feel loved and appreciated! 

Famous People with the Sun in Libra

Simon Cowell

Matt Damon

Catherine Deneuve

Michael Douglas

Lee Iacocca

Julio Iglesias

Jesse Jackson

Gwyneth Paltrow

Luciano Pavarotti

John Lennon

Walter Lippmann

Carole Lombard

Oscar Wilde

Serena Williams

Thomas Wolfe

Ashlee Simpson

Will Smith

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.