New Moons & Full Moons

Solar Eclipse in Aries: Preview to Destiny

The total Solar Eclipse in Aries is happening on April 20 at 29 degrees of the cardinal fire sign of Aries. 

Aries is the go-getter of the Zodiac. 

It’s ruled by Mars, the God of war, making the ram a fearless fighter.

Traditionally New Moons, especially Solar Eclipses in Aries are associated with powerful new beginnings.

This fiery energy makes us feel very assertive, enthusiastic, and ready to be back in the game. 

The Sun is exalted in this feisty fire sign, making Aries season one of the best times of the year to initiate new things and launch new projects. 

This is especially true this spring, because this potent Solar Eclipse is the second New Moon in the sign of the Ram this year. 

It’s a very rare occasion to have two New Moons back to back in one given sign. Usually there is one New Moon and one Full Moon per Zodiac sign per year. 

Astrologically speaking, it means that the Aries part of our chart has already been activated at the time of the New Moon back in March and now this powerful Solar Eclipse is solidifying these changes that are meant to shape our future.

The Cosmic Weather Report 

A Solar Eclipse appears when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the light of the Sun.

It’s considered to be three times more potent than a regular New Moon because it’s happening in close proximity to the Lunar Nodes of Destiny.

Despite the fated nature, Eclipses should not be feared but welcomed as a source of evolutionary change that leads to a powerful yet often uncomfortable, and even painful transformation.

Bare in mind, that the Nodes of the Moon are still in the fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio. 

They will be shifting into Aries – Libra axis only on July 17, so this Eclipse is a preview to major destined changes that are unfolding for us both on an individual and collective level.

This potent Solar Eclipse is speaking in a conversation of tension with the planet of death and rebirth mighty Pluto which has just shifted into Aquarius.

This powerful connection indicates initiation of irrevocable tectonic changes in the world at large.

Astrology, Astrology predictions, Zodiac Signs Horoscopes
Image: William Farlow, Unsplash

We are entering a whole new era as a planet and as a species. 

Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, is close to this Eclipse, supporting these potent changes and giving us hope for the better. 

Since Aries is ruled by Mars, the God of war, unfortunately we might be witnessing escalation of various conflicts on the world stage. 

The fact that Mars is in a weak position in the water sign of Cancer doesn’t help. 

However, the positive thing is that Mars is speaking in harmony with the planet of liberation and unexpected changes Uranus which is very close to the planet of communication Mercury. 

We can expect sudden revelations and important information being revealed around the time of this Solar Eclipse which can help clarify confusion and bring much needed clarity and direction.

Before we dive in, be sure to check your Ascendant, Moon, and Sun signs to get a full picture. When you read a horoscope for your Sun sign only, you only get a glimpse of what’s in store for your personal and professional life. Your Sun sign (related to the day you were born) might be an important component of your identity, but it’s only a small fraction of the whole story. Very often, your Ascendant (Rising sign) is the most accurate representation of you as an individual, as it rules your first house of the self and therefore has the biggest impact on your personal horoscope.

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign, Aries!

Aries Zodiac Sign

You are the star of the show this Aries season! Not only you got two New Moons in your sign, but the second lunation is a powerful total Solar Eclipse!

Your 1st house of the self is being majorly activated. This is a big deal!

You might be going through a total identity overhaul, even a personal crisis of sorts.

This major shift can feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. 

The good news is the planet of good fortune and abundance Jupiter is still in your sign, Aries, providing you with much needed encouragement and support.

It really is once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn your life around. 

The North Node of Destiny is going to enter your sign on July 17. 

Now is the time to get all your ducks in a row to embrace the next chapter of your journey!

Taurus Zodiac Sign


This powerful Solar Eclipse is activating the most hidden part of your horoscope, your 12th house. 

You may feel the need to retreat and go inward. Spend time with yourself, listen to your inner voice. 

It’s all about new beginnings when it comes to your spiritual development. 

You’ve been having Eclipses in your sign for the past couple of years, so now when the Nodes of the Moon are about to shift into Aries – Libra axis is the time to re-evaluate all the changes and transformations you’ve been going through on a deep spiritual level.

Gemini Zodiac Sign


This New Moon Solar Eclipse is activating your 11th house of social connections, networking, social media, and friendships. 

Hopefully you’ve done your homework around the time of the New Moon in Aries back in March and re-evaluated your goals and long-term plans regarding your social circle, both online and offline.

Now is a great opportunity to initiate powerful new beginnings and finally connect with your true soul tribe, Gemini!

Cancer Zodiac Sign

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries – Cancer 

This New Moon Solar Eclipse is happening in your 10th house of social status, public image, and achievements. 

This area of your chart has already been activated at the time of the New Moon in Aries back in March. Hopefully you’ve had a chance to re-evaluate your current career path and social standing.

Now is the perfect time to initiate bold new beginnings! 

Aries energy is empowering you to go after what you want when it comes to your work and public recognition. 

Jupiter in this part of your chart is giving you much needed support and encouragement to go after your wildest dreams. 

It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn your career around, Cancer. Go for it!

Leo Zodiac Sign


This New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sister fire sign of Aries is activating in your 9th house of higher education, international travels, and spirituality.

Your overall belief system is being updated and upgraded, Leo! 

You might be connecting with an influential mentor or guru at this time who will have a huge impact on your self development in the future. 

Pay close attention to people entering and leaving your life.  

Now is a great time to plan your next international trip. 

There is a great chance you can meet someone special while travelling who can change your life for the better.  

Virgo Zodiac Sign


This Solar Eclipse is happening in your 8th house of deep intimacy, past traumas, shared resources, debts, and taxes.

Hopefully you’ve done your homework at the time of the New Moon in Aries back in March and now you are ready to embrace your intimate relationships on a whole new level.

This Eclipse can also activate powerful new beginnings when it comes to shared resources and financial assistance. 

Libra Zodiac sign

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries – Libra 

This New Moon Solar is activating your 7th house of partnerships, clients, and the public.

You are entering a powerful season when it comes to your partnerships, Libra! 

The Nodes of the Moon will be shifting into Aries – Libra axis on July 17, so now is the perfect time to get your ducks in a row when it comes to your relationships, both romantic and business.

If you are unhappy in your current relationship, you are going to be asked to think about why this is the case and what practical steps you can take to rectify that. 

If you are single and looking, there is a great chance you will meet someone special this year! 

With planet of good fortune and abundance Jupiter still in this part of your chart, lady luck is definitely on your side!

Scorpio Zodiac Sign


Your 6th house of day-to-day work, routines and health-related matters has already been activated activated by the New Moon in Aries back in March, Scorpio.

Now this powerful Solar Eclipse is ushering in powerful new beginnings when it comes to your diet and exercise regime. 

If you’ve been wanting to overhaul your entire lifestyle, now is the perfect opportunity to do it!

You will have enough drive and willpower to let go of any addictions and unhealthy behaviour patterns at this time.

There might be some drastic changes in your work place as well. Don’t resist them. 

Eclipses very often bring about karmic people and circumstances that are meant to help us evolve and get on the path to our destiny.

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign


This New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sister fire sign of Aries is activating your 5th house of fun, creative hobbies, love, romance, and children.

You are certainly one of the luckiest signs this Eclipse season, Sagittarius!

New creative solutions to old problems may just come up seemingly out of nowhere. 

Let your creative juices flow and let your creative self expression lead the way in all areas of your life.

If you’ve been single for a while, now is a great opportunity to connect with someone special who will bring the spark back into your life.

Exciting times are ahead for you, Sagittarius!

Capricorn Zodiac Sign

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries – Capricorn 

Your 4th house of home, foundation, and family of origin is being activated for the second time by this powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse.

Now is an excellent time for the next home renovation project!  

You might get a lucky opportunity to purchase a new home or relocate to a new area, city or even country.

Aquarius Zodiac Sign


This New Moon Solar Eclipse is happening in your 3rd house of communication, neighbours, siblings, schoolmates, and extended family. 

This area of your chart has already been activated by the New Moon in Aries back in March. 

Did you get any new ideas when it comes to expanding your skills? If so, now is the perfect time to act on it!

You may feel a strong urge to go back to school or start a training in a new field. 

There is also a great potential to initiate powerful new beginnings when it comes to writing, speaking and communication. 

Pisces Zodiac Sign


This New Moon Solar Eclipse is activating your 2nd house of income, material possessions, and self-worth.

Hopefully, you’ve done your home work in this area of your life around the time of the New Moon in Aries back in March, Pisces.

Now is the perfect time to start acting on all these exciting new ideas when it comes to unconventional, yet practical, ways of making money. 

The planet of good fortune and expansion, Jupiter is still in this area of your chart, supporting your initiatives and giving your extra empowerment to go after your big dreams when it comes to financial abundance. 

Use this time wisely!

Check where this transit falls in your Birth Chart. The house and any personal planets activated by this transit will play a significant role in your personal and professional life. 

Use this free Birth Chart calculator to create your Natal Chart in case you haven’t had a chance to get it yet.

N.B.: Remember that it’s ideal to have your EXACT time of birth on hand. Use 12 p.m. noon if you have no way to get this information. The best option, of course, is to get a personal reading with a professional astrologer who can provide birth-time rectification. Birth time and birthplace are crucial pieces of information for your Natal Chart, as they determine the unique position of the houses and planets that can help you understand transits and their impact on your personal journey.